Turnabout A Cappella ~ 8 ~ Cotoli

104 3 17

March 3rd 9:57AM
District Court - Defence Lobby No 1

"So he still hasn't shown up yet"?
I asked Chrysalis and Lily, who were both slightly anxious about the trial.

"Nope..." Lily murmured. "Maybe he took a sickie? He was acting weird yesterday..."

"Weird doesn't even begin to describe it..." Chrysalis muttered beside me.

"Hey..." Lily started. "...aren't Lucas and Felicity also in another courtroom today?"

"I heard about that incident they're involved in." I stated. "There was a stabbing in the court, I think..."

"But Lily, you've got to focus on your trial! That's why I'm being your co-counsel in replacement of Sky!" Chrysalis announced, grinning wildly, that is.

I frowned. "...Chrysalis, I thought you were going to read your Skyly fanf-"

"DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT IN FRONT OF HER!" Chrysalis Waved her arms at me, leaving Lily slightly confused.

I sighed. "You know, I really think you should stop writing those things. I mean, there's that one about me and Pro-"


I raised an eyebrow at her. "...But everything I did that I just ended up embarrassing myself..."

"Cotoli, why are you blushing?" Lily suddenly asked me.

I covered up my face immediately after she said that.

"Aw, look at him!" Chrysalis smirked. "He's allllll embarrassed! See Lily? That's what happens when you're in love~♡"

"C-Chrysalis-" I stuttered, attempted to hide my blushing face.

"Awwww!" To make it even worse, Lily joined in. "It's truuueeeee loooooove!"

Unsurprisingly, I found myself blushing even brighter than before. Even I didn't know that was possible!

"Squeeeeee! Let me take a picture of blushing Cotoliiiiiiiiii!" Chrysalis jumped up and down before taking out her phone.

Oh dear.

I hid my face in my clothes. "C-Chrysalis-! You've got a tri-"

"Defence! Defendant! Please proceed into the courtroom!" The bailiff announced, just in the nick of time...

"...I just realised..." Lily muttered. "...that we don't even know who the witness was..."

"Well, no time to waste!" Chrysalis smirked, tucking away her phone. "It's trial time!"

I left to watch the two at the gallery, slightly relived.

March 3rd
District Court - Courtroom no 5

"Court is now back in session to the trial of Alex Daniels." The Judge announced. "Is the defence ready?"

I glanced over to Chrysalis and Lily, who were both smirking,

Lily slammed the desk. "My Shield of Justice is ready, My Lord!"

The Judge was silent for a second, but then he turned to the other side of the courtroom.
"And the Prosecution?"

"The Prosecution is ready to roll, Your Honour!" Ms Wood grinned, having said that before Prosecutor Aura get a chance to open his mouth.

"The last time we concluded was when the defence showed us a theory about a third party that was with the victim." The Judge announced.

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