Turnabout Unmasked ~ 2 ~ Chrysalis

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- March 19th, 4:34PM -
- Prosecutor's Office -
- Reception -

"So, uh... what are we searching for, Chrysalis?" Niamh (the younger one), asked me. "I doubt what we're finding will be... here."

"We're searching for Felicity and Sky!" I told her, realising that barely anybody was around. "Unless... unless they've already been taken for questioning..."

Niamh rolled her eyes at my realisation. "Great. So we've been searching for all of this time and we've come back with nothing?"

"Relax, we can find them when we go to visit Ghastly in the detention centre," I began, "Which we can visit once my brother is finished with his investigation, that is."

Just as we were turning back, we heard a whistle behind us. Niamh spun around, shooting a glare at the source. Typical Niamh... always willing to protect me!

"Hey, you two!" A feminine voice called, "Aren't ya gonna ask for help? You look a little bit lost, havin' wondered about for a while!

The voice belonged to one of the two receptionists - that we had deliberately ignored. The one that had called out to us had blonde hair, tied into twin tails. Her more serious partner had black hair, tied into a neat bun.

"We aren't lost," Niamh told them, "We were just looking for our friends. Since we can't find them-"

"Ooh, you're talking about Felicity and Sky, right?" The blonde receptionist grinned. "They got called in for questioning, since they were near the crime scene..."

"How dd you know that?" I questioned her. "We haven't told you anything about us!"

The blonde receptionist seemed to hesitate, until her partner intervened. "You signed your names and occupations when you walked in. As requested by the Chief Prosecutor, of course."

"Natalie and I have a complete list of everyone that walks in here! The blonde receptionist beamed, "The police haven't asked to see it, though..."

"Then can we see it?" Niamh asked them. "Chrysalis is working with the defence team, and I'm working with the prosecution."

The black haired receptionist, who I assumed was Natalie, handed us the sheet. I scanned it, looking for names of importance and last night:

Ghastly Bespoke, 3:14PM
Vito Cruz, 3:48PM
Lacey Wilde, 4:01PM
Tyler Grayson, 4:02PM
Sky Amaya, 4:13PM
Felicity Amaya, 4:25PM
Uttar Mistry, 4:56PM

"Hey, that weird bailiff showed up, too." Niamh noted, "What was he doing here?"

"We're not allowed to tell you, but..." Natalie hesitated for a second, "... he's a court bailiff. Work it out."

Niamh pouted (because she thought that she had made a fool of herself in front of me, obviously) before turning back to me. "Well... do you see anything, Chrysalis?"

"I... don't see Roberto anywhere... you know, Lily's brother?" I said, flicking through the pages. "He was supposed to work here yesterday, but it looks like that he didn't show up."

"Come on, Chrysalis... he would never be the culprit of a case!" Niamh laughed in amusement. "That's just... sooooo not like him. Even if he was blackmailed!"

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