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"My fathers coming today." Nicolas told me while I was in the bathroom washing my face making turn and look at him.

"Your father?" I asked making him nod. "Oh okay."

"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I just don't think he likes me very much." I told him.

"Why would you think that?"

"It's just the first time I met him he asked me a bunch of questions and it wasn't the questions it was just the way he was asking them. Like he was throwing it in my face." I told him.

"What were the questions?"

"Just about our intentions and what are we to each other because he said you've been acting different.." I trailed off.

"I haven't been acting different. Have I been acting different?" He asked making me shrug.

"I'm sure he meant nothin by it. My father's harmless." He assured kissing my cheek.

He's the head of a dangerous organization. I'm sure he isn't that fearless. I'm being sarcastic.

"Okay." I nodded heading down the stairs peeping a weird look from him. As I walked down the stairs I saw his father come through the front doors with two large bodyguards behind him. I stopped on the step seeing him stare at me.

The guards helped him take off his jacket and I went up to him to be nice and start over. "Nice to see you again Mr.King." I told him.

"You too Theo." He said.

"Thea." I corrected.

"Excuse me?"

"My name is Thea.." I trailed lowly.

"Right." He said seeming not to care making me sigh mentally. I see where Nicolas gets his personality from since he didn't like at all at first either.

Nicolas came down the stairs and his father actually had on a greeting face giving him a hug. "Son what took you so long?" He asked. He looked back at me and sighed turning back to Nicolas. "Let's take this in the office." He said walking to the back.

Nicolas went to the back with him and I sighed heavily while flopping on the kitchen chair. "Does he act like that to you guys too?" I asked his bodyguards. I wasn't sure if they talked though.

"Give him some time." Was all one of the guys said. Luna was in her room playing a game that she's been addicted to for days so I was just bored making me call Allie.

She answered while still laying in bed. "Aren't you suppose to be at work by now?" I asked.

"I called off." She shrugged.

"And why is that?"

"My period is killing me right now Thea gosh." She said making me laugh. "You're usually here to take care of me in times like this but you left me and now I'm all alone."

"Well where's Jae?"

"She's having coffee with some guy she met yesterday." She sighed.

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