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"Can't wait for this trip." Marco said relaxing his head on the seat. We were on our way to France, it was sort of a last minute decision. With Thea's dreams and everything she's been through it was just a good idea. And Luna loved seeing the buildings there.

She fell asleep in the back room the second we got on the jet.

"You just want to eat up the food there like you did last time." Dante sighed making him roll his eyes. I needed to pick the biggest jet I had since we had to bring a lot of guards of course. My father said he would be there in two days as well, if he can't be nice to Thea I'll jus have to keep him away from her the entire trip. I don't want her to stress or overthink anything.

"You alright?" I asked coming to sit by Thea seeing her looking out of the window.

She nodded. "Glad that stomach virus finally cleared up. How many times have you been to France?"

"Twice. I like to look at other countries so I don't repeat the same one." I told her. She grabbed my hand laying on my shoulder while tracing over the tattoo on my hand.

"You never told me what your tattoos mean." She said.

"Which one do you want to know?"

"This one." She said referring to my hand.

"Got it when I was nine teen, the ones on my fingers don't mean anything but this one this hand represents my mother. She loved roses. I always got it shaded in again when it faded." I told her.

"Did you look more like her or your dad?"

"Her, got my dad's personality mostly though."

She smiled. "What about the one on your back?"

"It's like a skull connected with soul. Self explanatory."

"The huge one on your chest?"

"A bird finally grows its wings and is set free from all its problems."

"Are you the bird?" She asked.

I learned my head back on the seat. "Maybe." I shrugged.

"The one on your neck?"

"I don't remember, got it at 20."

"You got a full neck tattoo at 20?"

"It's easy when you don't feel any pain." I told her. She hummed and wrapped her arm around mines. She kissed my lips and got comfortable while yawning.

"Yuck." Marco gagged making me glare at him.

"You were the main one wanting them together." Dante sighed making Marco flick him off.


"Oh you asshole, of course you upgraded. I liked the last house better." Marco said.

"You just liked it more because you always chose the room with the balcony." Dante said making Marco try and trip him with the bags in his hand. Thea was holding luna about to take her upstairs making me stop her.

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