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Finally, back at Liyue, you took a breath in to calm your nerves. "It feels so good!" Paimon agreed while floating beside you. The streets of Liyue smell like sandalwood and it was quite pleasant.

Suddenly you three find yourself playing with a child who happens to be Childe's little brother. Childe was quite happy to see Aether and You. He told you that Signora has passed away, and it left you alarmed. You wondered if Ezra left because of Signora's death.

While Childe and his brother were playing hide and seek, you were able to corner Childe and ask him whether Ezra was a harbinger or not.

He was rather confused and said that he didn't know anyone named Ezra and when you tried to describe her appearance he finally got it, he declined the idea of Ezra being a harbinger.

You were not convinced but stopped pushing it, Childe's brother invited you and Aether to his home and truthfully he was adorable and you couldn't refuse.


You met up with the "cocogoat" and helped her as well.


At night, you find Xiao strolling away, You and Aether invited him for a drink but he refused and left.


You were able to meet a strange girl who was Zhongli's boss, that girl acted stupid but you feel in the back of your heart that she knew more than that.


At night you hugged Aether tightly and drifted to sleep, hearing his lullabies.

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