Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Detective Carson's POV

"Heading out?" I ask Didi, swinging on my black trench coat and watching as she leans back in her chair exhaustedly.

She pushes a loose curl out of her face. "Not even close. I just need to finish up this paper work. You?"

"Yeah, for the night." I grab my wallet and stuff it into my pockets.

She sends me a soft smile. "Goodnight, Asher."

I wave at her before quickly leaving the station to get home. I zone out while driving, hitting a harsh turn to the right on my way home.

In my rear view mirror, I can see someone standing at the corner of the sidewalk with their thumb out.

I squint, stopping the car abruptly once I recognize her. I sigh, throwing my head back. I curse under my breath and make a quick u-turn, parking right next to her.

I roll down my window, poking my head out. I can tell she's surprised to see me, almost glad. A large and heavy duffel bag hangs off her shoulder, as well as a quite large suitcase sitting next to her.

I gaze up at her, watching as she bites her lips nervously.

"What are you doing?" I ask quietly, but she can still hear me.

She presses her lips together tightly, arching and eyebrow. "Hitchhiking."

I frown. "Why? Where are you going?"

"Anywhere far from here." She kicks her feet against the pavement, looking down at the grown.

"What happened to your house?"

"Nothing. Just—..why are you asking me so much questions?" She crosses her arms, staring down at me.

I sigh, looking away from her. I bite the inside of my cheek, and unlock my car doors.

I can see her shoulders perk up as she gasps quietly, hesitantly grabbing her suitcase. "Really?"

"Get in." I demand. I can see her staring at me from the adjustment mirror when she tosses her suitcase in the backseat.

She slips into the passenger side and holds her duffel bag in her lap.

"Where to?" I zoom out onto the road.

She scratches the back of her head. "I was hoping you could tell me that."

"I'll drive you home if you want?"

"No, don't." She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, looking out the window.

"Morgan. Where do you want to go?" I ask her impatiently.

"I don't know where to go!" She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

I park on the far side of the road, frowning. I turn to her, expecting a full explanation, and I get my wish a few seconds later.

"I have no where to go." Her voice cracks, with her cheekbones turning a bright red color. She struggles to keep her composure, but musters up the courage to continue. "My dad..I had to leave home. We got into a fight and I had to leave. I have no where else to go."

I feel a bit sympathetic towards her, especially since I could tell she was trying her hardest not to cry. She covered her face with her right hand, looking away from me.

I sigh, searching the console for a packet of tissues. I find a clean napkin from McDonald's, and hand it to her.

"Thank you." She mutters, keeping her face pointing towards the window.

"Okay so.." I rub my thighs with my palms, cringing as I speak. "I have an empty room in my condo. You can stay there until you're able to get back onto your feet."

She covers the bottom half of her nose with the napkin, speaking in a nasally voice. "You're serious?"

Her eyebrows are raised, with her dark brown hair falling over her shoulder.

I nod, folding my lips and awkwardly looking away. "Yeah. Don't get too happy."

"Thank you." I can practically hear her smiling as I look straight ahead, muttering a 'your welcome' in return.

"I just have one question." She says quietly, turning to me.

I nod, glancing at her sideways. "What?"

"How good are you with snoring?"

Oh god.

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