Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Asher's POV

I was close to passing out on the road, but I had a good 5 minutes left until I got home. I was excited to see Morgan after 4 days, especially since she had finally realized how she really felt about me.

I was glad. I felt pathetic spending most of my days daydreaming about her and her perky little lips. Gazing into the blank wall of my room listening to her cool voice as she spoke on the phone. I felt pathetic wanting her when she didn't want me.

I zoom into the driveway with my eyes wide open at an attempt to keep me wide awake. I lean back into my chair, rubbing my hands over my face in distress. I can see the light still in from inside, even though it's still fairly late.

I grab my duffel bag placed in the passenger's seat and quickly leave the car, hesitant to unlock the door. I graze my hand just above the cold doorknob, squeezing my eyes shut once I open it. Slowly, I place a foot into the house, quickly shutting the door behind me.

She must be asleep at this time.

I turn around cautiously and meet her surprised big brown eyes. She stands behind the couch with a hand in her hair, the other holding her bathrobe tight against her body. Her hair is in a high ponytail exposing her slender neck and defined collarbones.

"Hi." I gently place my duffel bag onto ground and keep my eyes trained on hers. I can't tell if I look like I want to eat her or if I'm heavily deprived of sleep.

"Hey." She smiles, playing with her fingers. She seems wide awake even though it's nearly 2 am. She takes a deep breath and steps forward nervously.

"I've been pacing back and forth for almost 2 hours." She smiled sheepishly, glancing around the room.

My eyebrows raise and I can't help but smile at her. She waited for me.

"Yeah I..calculated the amount of time it would take you to get here, plus traffic..and I waited."

I arch an eyebrow at her, smiling in amusement. "You waited for me all day?"

"Well.. sort of? I was at work and stuff...and I really only started waiting by the door an hour or 2 ago." She can't help but fidget with the belt of her bathrobe, biting her lips nervously.

"Thanks for waiting, Morgan." I take a step forward, only a good 3 feet away from her.

I want her closer, way way closer. Against me. With her arms wrapped around my neck.

"You're welcome." Her voice cracks at the end, her eyes widening slightly as she gazes up at me, her chest pumping up and down as she pants slightly.

My heart beats so loudly that it's the only thing I can hear. By the looks of it, it seems that Morgan can relate. She swallows hard, her throat making a loud 'gulp' sound.

I chuckle, rubbing a hand over my stubbled chin. I have to control myself. Things can't move this quickly, I only just got back a few minutes ago.

"So.." I stare into her eyes, glancing at her wet pink lips once and a while. She notices and steps forward, a wave of her body heat hitting me in the face. It's too tempting, I can only take so much.

"So.." She says in a low, cool voice.

"We should—ahem, we should get to bed. It's late." I turn to grab my duffel bag, and my heart drops at the disappointment placed on her face.

"Oh.." She backs away and tightens her bathrobe. I can tell she's embarrassed, but I choose not to comment on it.

"We can talk later tonight, when we eat that pasta you made." I reassure her, dragging a hand over my chest.

"Leftovers for dinner? They're like 3 days old." She grimaces, her cute little nose scrunching up as she does. I adore her facial features.

"Okay," I chuckle, pinching the bridge of my nose playfully. "How about I make us dinner then?"

She nods, pressing her hands tightly together shyly. "I'm fine with that. Although I don't think you'd be able to beat my cooking skills."

"Don't hype yourself up too much." I tilt my head in a smile.

"Mm." She hums, which sounds so sexy coming from her. She turns on her foot, whispering a quick 'goodnight' with a smirk on her face as she walks towards the stairs. My eyes fly down to her ass that moves gracefully under her thin bathrobe.

"Uh-huh." I hum softly, locking eyes with Morgan just as I look up from her behind. She shakes her head and turns the corner with her small smirk still intact.

Too fast. Not good. I don't even know where I stand with her. Looking at her like that seems so wrong on my part. But it feels so right.

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