Chapter 53

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Actually, what Jimin was confused about was why Taehyung didn't choose a college overseas.

That time when Taehyung went to stay with his brother in America should have been when he got his first smartphone after taking the high school entrance exams, the time when Jimin got his WhatsApp.

That summer, Taehyung did indeed post a lot of pictures from another country, but nothing of his brother. At that time, Jimin thought he was only vacationing overseas.

For a long time, Jimin thought of himself and Taehyung as people from 2 different worlds. It wasn't until the other posted his decision to apply to F University that he imagined they could one day be classmates.

Was it possible that the reason really was what the other had written, that for the sake of eating the food he liked and wanting to see his dog, he chose to stay in Korea?

"I've thought about it before, and I actually spent my 1st two years of high school preparing to go overseas," Taehyung replied. "Although my parents divorced, my mom still really wanted me and my bro to grow up with each other. She and dad were both very busy with work, so they didn't have much time to take care of us."

Jimin: "Then why didn't you go in the end?"

Taehyung paused, then slowly explained, "Because if I go, then my mom will be all alone. I can't stop worrying about her."

Jimin was a bit surprised. Most people their age were an only child and tended to put themselves first, especially rich and pampered kids like Taehyung. Jimin never expected the other to be such a filial son......

"In public, my mom's normally a really strong person, but she's very sloppy in her private life. After my dad left, she didn't go find a boyfriend and put her work before everything else. She'd often neglect her health, and last year, we found that she had a bit of cervical spondylosis and light gastritis." Taehyung shook his head, worry written across his brows: "Even though I'm staying in the dorms and don't go back that often, at least I'm in the same city. If anything comes up, all it takes is a single phone call."

Jeon Yeo-Jin's refined features and capable figure floated into Jimin's mind, but he found it very difficult to connect that image with one of a "sloppy woman".

But the Taehyung who said such things seemed particularly gentle and caring.

"In any case, I don't really want to go overseas that much, and F University's a good school. And it's not like I can't ever see my bro. He pretty much comes back every year, either during Christmas or the summer... This year, he also just entered college, so he's not coming back for Christmas. He made it into Stanford's business school."

Taehyung had just complained that "Because he's better than me at everything, and I refuse to accept that" a few minutes prior, but now he was all smiles and excitement, as if he wanted the entire world to know just how awesome his brother was. Jimin really want to laugh.

...Stanford, one of the top 5 universities in the world. He really was amazing.

Taehyung then raised his head and asked, "What about you?"

Jimin: "What about me?"

Taehyung: "I still don't know anything about your family."

Jimin: "My family's very normal. My parents are part of the working class. Dad's an engineer and Mom's an accountant. Both of them are usually very busy with work and leave me to my devices."

A few simple sentences and that was that.

They continued chatting, but when they had almost finished eating, they bumped into NamJoon and Yoona!

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