More than High School Pt.1

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A.N.: Well, now we're really getting into the story. If you have any suggestions for alternate events that could happen, please, please suggest them in the comments. Now, I'm sure most of you have figured out that this is basically a mashup of 4kids and Nickelodeon, with a sprinkle of RAi and Fate Winx Saga. 

I don't actually hate the latter show, I just feel like people only focus on the inaccuracies of the characters, the storyline, and such, instead of looking at what lore new series and reboots bring to the table. I will be adding here and there, so expect to see references to characters from the show, though I'm on the fence about who they should be with. 

Anyways, I just needed to get that rant off my chest. 

Also, who should Bloom end up with? Andy? Sky? or someone else? Let me know in the comments who you want to see. 

I'm working on the rest of this episode, expect more updates soon! 

Now, please enjoy. 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter 5: More than High School Pt.1

Goodbyes were painful. Though my parents were currently discussing moving, and debating on whether or not they'd convince Roxy to come with (Stella had verified that Roxy possessed some form of magic similar to Mum's and Violet's), the more pressing matter was that their eldest child that they raised was about to leave for a new adventure in an entirely different universe. A parallel universe. 

"I'm gonna miss you guys." The reality was only now settling in, that I was going away. To a place where only phone calls would be able to reach my parents and sister. No hugs, no family time. No dinner meals together. No more movie nights. No family pranks. 

Mum was teary-eyed. Dad was pale, proud but uncertain. Violet looked sad. I pulled her into a hug first. "Don't worry," I whispered to her. "Only one year, and then we'll be together at Alfea." 

"I'll worry about you even when I'm not around." She said with more emotion than I expected from her. 

I tightly hugged her back. "I'll worry about you more." 

"Do your best Bloom, and allow yourself to be defined by no one but you." I struggled to hold back my tears as Dad tightly hugged me next. "I expect frequent calls, young lady. And no boys in the dorm room," he said sternly to me as we separated. I tightly smiled, emotion bursting in my chest. 

"Whenever I can," I promised to the first. "I think Stella's more likely to bring home boys than I will." 

"Hey!" Stella called from the next room. "I heard that!" 

"It's true!" I called back. "You and Prince Sky are joined at the hip." 

We all snickered at her audible sputtering from the hallway. 

Mum walked over and wrapped her arms around me. I closed my eyes and choked back the sob. Out of all of them, leaving Lily was the hardest. She was the woman who'd given her own life for mine in my last life. She was the woman who raised me, and out of her and James, helped me with most of my insecurities growing up. It was because of her that I'd ever worked up the courage to date Andy, and really discover who I was in this world. Well, become comfortable with who I now was. 

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