A Job for Bloom Pt.4

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A.N.: I'm baaaaaaack! 

I didn't have the heart to take down the announcement chapter (THANK YOUS TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT, YOU HAVE MY GRATITUDE FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND PATIENCE), but I won't make a habit of putting them up. I just wanted to forewarn people in advance, which actually turned out to be a good thing as I was told that I had another test from my fourth class on this week's Thursday.

I'd actually written ahead as well, and have some half-baked ideas at the moment for the bridge that's between a Job for Bloom and the sixth episode of the canon episode. It will be a few more quartets before we reach that point, but I hope (I wish I could promise, but I don't want to let anyone down) that the process is enjoyable and satisfactory to read.

Any-hoo, Musa's alive, don't worry. Buuuuut, keep a look out for the new villains and characters I've introduced ( o)_( o)

Also, it just occurred to me while I was writing this that there is a distinct lack of descriptive verbal spars between the Winx and Amaryl, who I'm setting up to be a Draco Malfoy with morals. In other words, the school bully of this story, because just like with Diaspro, I never liked her.

And as an added bonus, I'm back to worldbuilding XD.

Now please enjoy. 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter: : A Job for Bloom Pt.4: 

Though time is eternal, the same could be said for paperwork. 

Checklists, booklists, visitation periods, cataloging the students leaving for the weekend that held Day of the Lily, carefully arranging the staff so that they would be well equipped to cover her absence when Day of the Royals arrived, processing of grades, meeting with parents of future students...indeed, there was much work to be done, and not enough time. 

Perhaps the old saying that time was the biggest fool of all held a shred of truth. 

Still, her weekend had been pleasant, even though the Westley Twins had pranked the whole school yet again. They really deserved more credit for their work than punishment, she herself could admit that. 

Freddi and Georgina Westley were brilliant inventors, and she had no doubt that when the troublemaking pair graduated they would eventually run a shop of prank-filled wares. 

Assuming that they put as much effort into getting their Charmix as they did their pranks of course. And reduced the number of detentions they willingly sat, lest they be withheld back a year. 

It was late at night, and there were still numerous things to do before she would allow herself to turn in for the night. 

Yesterday had been a rather...intense staff meeting, especially since DuFour and Wizgiz had both offered apprenticeships to the same fairy. Thankfully, they managed to act like proper adults to resolve the issue. 

Today, she was still waiting to hear back from Barbatea, who had volunteered herself and her new assistant to go for a brief search in the newly discovered catacombs. 

She herself had not known that there were more catacombs below, yet another mark against her old mentor. 

Rosalind had taken dozens of secrets with her to her grave, what was one more? 

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