Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2

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A.N.: Finals are coming up for me in about 2-3 weeks, so I'm going to be dragging this out because I cannot afford to mess up my grades. 

Knowing this, I've made a few chapters in advance, but it means that after the quartet of Prisoner of the Dark is complete, don't expect any uploads for about a week or two. I need to take some personal time so that I can take care of some stuff irl. 

I do still plan on continuing, fear not, just wanted to give people the heads up. Well, that and I want to back up with more chapters, just so that I can keep uploading even when my head is empty. 

I also want to release another chapter for my Winx Club Watches the Future and Fate Winx Saga story, so be on the lookout for when that drops in December. 

Bloom is still rather emotional (apologies if this isn't the best, I'm sure someone else can write better emotional scenes than me, but I'm working with what I can do). I do plan to heavily edit this before it goes up on Archive of Our Own though. 

Also, Happy early Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Please enjoy. 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Warning: Angst, depression

Chapter: : Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2: 

"When are we going to make our move? It's been days!" Beatrix kicked the wall.

If Beatrix didn't stop whining, Isobel would let Knut go a few rounds with her.

"Bea, please, shut up." D'arcy groaned, sounding like she was at her wit's end as well.

"Why," Beatrix growled, rounding on her sister, her body sparking and sizzling with lightning. "We know what we need to do to win against those meddling pixies. We know who we need to take out to leave Soleil vulnerable. So. Why. Aren't. You. Two. Moving?"

"Because we're fucking exhausted!" Isobel snapped, punching the desk as a wave of frost spread along her chair. "In case you forgot, dear Bea', we still have detention this lovely weekend. And we've been pushing ourselves to outpace everyone in class the whole week, while you've put in the bare minimum, as usual."

Beatrix--to her credit--didn't flinch at Isobel's drawl. "You're the brains of this group. I'm the brawn. Besides, I'm saving my magic for those who deserve to get it inflicted upon."

"We're both brains," D'arcy said from where her head was buried underneath her pillow. "If you would put more effort into your work, you'd be smarter too."

"Power is all that matters." Beatrix nashed her teeth. "You said so."

"Power is useless without the brains to use it." Isobel scowled.

It wasn't the first time that their group had argued about power and Beatrix's lack of contributions. It wasn't necessarily fair, since Beatrix hadn't been raised in the same environments that they were.

Beatrix had grown up in the same abusive background that they had. She was forcibly ripped from her family when they learned that she was destined to become a Storm Witch, just like the 'evil Ancestresses' were.

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