Miss Magix Pt.2

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A.N.: I'm baaaack! Finals are over (I did well for anyone who was curious), and I rushed over the last couple of days to get this done, lol. 

(rant warning) 

This episode always confused me. Why would the Trix have taken time off from trying to steal the Dragon Flame--when by this point (S1E12) in the canon series they knew that Bloom was its Keeper--to help (trick) Lucy into entering as a contender for 'Miss Magix', ruining Stella's chances, and sabotaging the other contestants just so Lucy (a girl whom they clearly don't like) could win? 

I never understood it, shouldn't they have stolen away to attack Bloom? They were already used to fighting in the streets of Magix (S1E9), so it shouldn't have been something they were hesitant about. Or was this their 'I'm going to take a break from being evil and doing evil things by being evil and doing evil things' routine? 

In my opinion, it would've made more sense for Lucy to have found out about the more illegal activities that the Trix got up to and then blackmailed them into helping her. That would've made sense as to why the Trix would utterly destroy her in a public setting; it's retribution for her threatening their lives in such a way that a simple curse alone is not enough. 

Obviously, in this fanfic, this is before Bloom is outed as the Keeper of the Dragon Flame. I had to move this episode around (and I might do stuff like this in the future) so as to set up the introduction for other characters and such. 

Don't worry, Bloom will meet Daphne sometime in the near future! ;)

Also, I don't own Transformers Prime, nor Transformers. That's Hasbro's. 

Now, please enjoy. 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter : Miss Magix Pt.2: 

I marched into the common room of our dorm. The other girls were resting on the couches. Flora was sitting in one of the three love chairs we had, filing her nails. Tecna had our book for Magiphysics open and looked to be taking notes. And Musa leaned back, her headphones on, connected to her phone, her head faintly moving to some beat that I couldn't hear. 

I walked over. "So." 

Tecna and Flora turned to me. After a moment, Tecna rapped Musa on the knee, and the fairy of music turned as well, slipping her headphones off an ear. "Oh, hey." 

"So," I repeated, crossing my arms. "It turns out that Stella never went to the infirmary. She totally lied to us." 

Musa sniffed. "Told you she was trying to get out of work." 

"That's not exactly fair though." Flora protested. "Sure, Stella has her moments of neglectfulness, but she always comes through in the end." 

"I have noticed an increasing trend in Stella's disappearances." Tecna marked the page in her book and then closed it while stacking her pages of notes. "This is the fifth time she has made an excuse to get out of some form of work--usually our group study sessions--but it is the first time that she has avoided our united cleaning duties." 

"See!" Musa said as if that proved everything. 

I shook my head before flopping into the other closest loveseat and crossing my legs. "It doesn't make sense." 

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