More than High School Pt.4

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A.N.: Here are the first classes. What do you think? I'm fresh out of ideas right now, so if anyone has any lesson plans for these classes, plz suggest them. 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter: : More than High School Pt.4

"Good mornin' everyone! As usual, it falls to me to kick off the new school year." Wizgiz was a funny professor. He seemed to have Tonk's humor, Slughorn's leniency, and McGonagall's sharpness. Oh, and Flitwick's height. 

He was as tall as the desk, but he moved quickly. Like, duelist quick. I wondered if he and Flitwick shared similar backgrounds. "Now, for those of you who haven't met me yet, I am Professor Wizgiz, your Metamorphosis instructor." 

He hopped onto his desk. "As it is a new year, I would like to remind everyone that it is full of new, exciting, and limitless possibilities. That is what metamorphosis is really all about. Metamorphosis is the art of changing how you appear. Or, the way you look." 

"Once you master it, you can turn into anything from a rock," He grabbed a hold of his sideburns and pulled. I nearly dropped my jaw at the sight of the leprechaun's body reshaping and reforming in a bunch of sparkles, turning into...Ms. Griselda. "To a rock star." 

Now my jaw dropped. His body, his clothes...even his vocal cords had changed to match her's perfectly. If I hadn't seen the transformation myself, I'd have believed him to actually be Ms. Griselda. 

'Bloody hell. That's human transfiguration, a bloody NEWT-level subject! And he did it silently!' And something that I'd taken another bloody Hogwarts year to master. How the bloody buggering fuck did he expect us to master that in three years?  

Guess that means I have a head start on the theory, but bloody hell, that demonstration was way more impressive than McGonagall turning her desk into a pig. 

He was sitting cross-legged on the desk, with a stern, pouty look on Griselda's face, one fist under his chin. "Don't worry, I'm not really the queen of detention." 

The class burst into thunderous applause and laughter. I myself snickered while exchanging amused looks with Stella, who was sitting in the seat next to me. 

Wizgiz lapped up the attention before addressing us once more. "Oh, but that's not all. The beauty of magic is that you can always go back to being you." He tugged on Griselda's glasses before suddenly shrinking and turning back into himself. 

Adjusting his hat, he turned to us once more, still carrying his humor, but with more seriousness than he had previously shown. "Metamorphosis is one of the main classes in your curriculum that you will need to take before you can graduate here at Alfea College. While Ms. Griselda has given out more than enough warnings, I must also warn you. Metamorphosis is a dangerous field of magic to those who are unaware of what they are doing, or to whom they are using it against." 

"In this field, to do what I just did takes years of practice, concentration, and magic-focused intent. You have to focus on changing your anatomy, your clothes, your skin color, your species, and your body scent. Each aspect takes immense focus, and we will be studying various spells and anatomies during each term and year." 

"Mess with this study of magic in unsavory ways, or sabotage another student who attempts a part of this process, and I will turn you away from this class and not accept you back. You have been warned." 

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