Chapter 9

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The door to the dorm room closed with a thud, the lock clicking into place. Sebastian scanned over the all too familiar space his sight immediately landing on the rumpled mess that was his bed. Slowly he walked over and sat down on the messed up sheets and comforter, fingertips running over the fabric as he gazed longingly at one pillow in particular.

It had been seven days since Sebastian had awoken in his bed; naked and alone. A week since the night of the attack at the Harvest Festival and the last time he had laid eyes on Ciel and he had spent everyday since then waiting patiently for the student's return in the courtyard outside the church.

Sebastian knew exactly where the young man was; he was with the head priest in a remote location. This was standard practice for the new Demon Slayer to be taken away and trained in the art of combat against the unearthly challenges he would be facing. However, the knowledge of Ciel's whereabouts didn't help ease the ache in the graduate's chest and it only seemed to intensify every day he didn't return. Groaning lowly, Sebastian shut his eyes as he let the memories of the evening wash over him, heart thudding rapidly in his chest as the images came to life in his mind.

Sounds and sensations coursed through his body as he remembered everything; his fingertips tingling at recalling the soft texture of Ciel's skin and the way the student's breath would hitch when Sebastian brushed over a ticklish spot. The sound of their wanton panting and sweat slicked skin colliding over and over again as their bodies joined together in a blissful union.

He had tried to deny the purity of the act they had participated in, but even he couldn't deny the beauty of it. They hadn't hooked up or fucked; no, they had made love. He, Sebastian Michaelis, had held Ciel in his arms and passionately made love to the young man. It was the most emotional and powerful thing the man had ever experienced in his long life.

Never had Sebastian felt so secure and safe as when Ciel had clung fiercely to his body. His chest constricted at the memory of hearing the soft confession of love and it ached with the desire of wishing he had been able to respond. Love was a foreign feeling for Sebastian; something demons like him did not understand. Instead, he had embraced Ciel even tighter and brought them both euphoria in every sense of the word.

In the morning following, rivulets of sunlight had pierced through the blinds to land on his pale cheek. Sebastian had rolled over expecting to find an equally nude Ciel only to have a pillow where his sleeping lover should have been. Brows furrowed in confusion before alarm spread over his face; Ciel was gone and being who he was destined to become, any number of things could have happened.

Anxiously, Sebastian's eyes wildly searched the room, noticing the lack of the young man's clothing on the floor. He leaned over the empty spot on the mattress and halted suddenly as he inhaled a scent. Cautiously, he leaned into Ciel's pillow and took a deep breath through his nose. Sebastian groaned quietly at the intoxicating fragrance of lavender, sunlight and something else that had not been present before. He breathed in deeply, letting the sweet perfume fill his senses and knowing exactly what had happened now. Ciel had evolved; his angelic side had emerged sometime in the middle of the night which would explain why he wasn't there in the morning.

The scent was that only carried by the angels of Heaven and as Sebastian inhaled again he could clearly pick out the floral notes of Ciel's soul mixing seamlessly with that of angelic persuasion. It was a beautiful scent; pure, ripe, and perfectly suited for the young man. The soul was now like a fine wine that had matured; full-bodied and ready to be consumed. They could now proceed with Sebastian's plan to destroy humanity's last hope and tip the scales of evil in their Mater's favor.

He choked out a breath, eyes bugling and hand flying up to clutch at this left pectoral. Beneath the surface of skin and muscle he felt a constriction; as if some force gripped his heart and was twisting it violently as he thought about Ciel's death. Another wave of torturous pain racked his body as Sebastian's mind tried to logically convince him of what he needed to do.

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