Chapter 28

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It would be easy to just transition over to his angelic state, the power and speed Ciel would acquire from doing should make it easy to eradicate the Hell beast in front of him. However, how he was supposed to do that without harming Father Spears was an absolute mystery to him and even if he did manage to escape, the student had no clue whatsoever how to perform an exorcism to separate the two. Still, Ciel focused on the more pertinent of the issues at hand, deciding to figure out how to save his spiritual advisor later.

"Didn't you hear me?" The angel asserted, digging his nails into the priest's wrists even more to gain full attention. The man hissed at the feeling, but stared unblinking at him. "Leave him alone! I am the one you want!" The demon grinned at Ciel's vehement order, enraging him at not being taken seriously. Fury washed over the angel and he gnashed his teeth while practically screaming his anger. "Get your disgusting demon hands off my priest, you filthy piece of shit!" The insult brought on a roar of laughter, the action confusing the young man. "What? What is so fucking funny?"

"How quickly you forget. Disgusting, you say?" The man hummed, leaning in and bringing his face close. Ciel recoiled from the proximity, pressing the back of his head hard against the wall. The action didn't go unnoticed and only added to the creature's amusement. "My kind doesn't seem so vile to you when one is giving you pleasure." The angel blanched at the statement and the demon moved to whisper in his ear. "Yes, we all know what you do with that traitor Michaelis in the dead of night." Ciel grit his teeth and turned his head, neck craning to get away from the hot breath that flitted over his skin.

"Mmmm, I bet you love it, being taken over and over again by the General until your insides burn." The priest chuckled and placed a light kiss to the hollow below the angel's ear. A tongue flicked out, licking the spot and forcing Ciel to swallow the nausea that bubbled up from the pit of his stomach. "Feeling him fill you with his demon seed as you cry out like a whore for him to hurt you just a little more. Oh yes, little slayer." The possessed Father observed, enjoying the angel's obvious revulsion to his touch. "Just thinking about you bent over like a bitch in heat is really turning me on."

Ciel gasped as the priest's teeth sank into his neck, the mouth sucking and lapping at the spot. Blue eyes screwed shut as he tried to ignore what was being done to him. Regardless if it was the will of the demon acting this, it was still Father Spears's physical form that was performing them and since he had always thought of the holy man as family, this was border lining on incest. Still, Ciel found it almost impossible to strike the priest for something the man had no control over and instead clenched his fists tightly at his sides as the sounds of suckling permeated the air.

"Mmm, this body wants you." The demon moaned, the comment making Ciel's eyes fly wide open in shock. Running his nose across the slender throat and past the angel's jaw shin, he elaborated. "It's never felt the hand of another; the priest has certainly kept true to his celibacy all these years." Placing a simple kiss at the corner of the plump mouth, the priest moved back a little to take in the strained expression of his prey. "Such a virtuous person, this Father Spears is, wouldn't you like to show him the joys of two bodies joining together in ecstasy?" The inquiry shocked Ciel, his head snapping to stare at the man and mouth falling open at the audacious statement. "Don't tell me you've never thought about it?"

"No?" Head tilting to the side, magenta orbs studying the horrific look being given. Smirking, he peered over crystal spectacles coolly at the angel. "Such a shame." He mused, tongue clicking in disappointment at the thought. Ciel clamped his mouth shut, not even knowing what to say to such a suggestion. The young man was so caught up in the abhorrence of what he was being told, that he didn't even register the long fingers wrapping lightly around his wrist. "Because this form is so willing and ready for you." He breathed, moving the small hand into the spot the man wanted it to go.

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