chapter 43

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Ciel paused for a moment to take in the sight of Sebastian casually reading in bed, the duvet pooling at the slender hips making it apparent that the demon wore nothing at all. Not wanting to disturb him, the angel quietly made his way to the bathroom to disrobe and take a quick shower.

This was nothing new; this routine. Ciel would come home at all hours of the night, usually from patrolling and Sebastian would be waiting patiently for him. What the demon did during all that time to entertain himself, the young man never really knew, but not once did he complain. Hurrying through his shower, Ciel quickly dried off and grabbed a pair of boxers and T-shirt to wear to bed.

Shutting off the light in the bathroom, he padded softly over and climbed onto the large mattress, coming to lay next to his lover. Blue eyes followed the intent look on Sebastian's face as he read and Ciel found himself at a loss for words. Again, it resonated within him that they had so little time together. Whether it came tomorrow or in a hundred years, they would be forever parted and he would exist in eternity without Sebastian by his side.

Ciel cleared his throat which ached terribly with heavy emotions and let his gaze flick to the volume being held in those long pale fingers. He frowned as he saw the title and pushed up into a sitting position as he eyed the man.

"Are you seriously reading that? Again?" Ciel inquired, cocking a skeptical eyebrow as Sebastian lowered the book. Amused garnet met the bright blue and the demon couldn't help, but smirk at the adorable look on the angel's face. "I mean, really, how many times have you actually read that cover to cover? What else is there for you to discover in it?" He reached out, plucking the text deftly from the demon's hands and thumbed through it.

"You'd be amazed." Sebastian hummed as Ciel just shook his head. "Remember the first time we met?" He leaned forward, catching the slayer's eye who had stopped perusing the ancient pages to gaze at him. "It was in the university's library and I politely took it off a shelf that was too high for you to reach." Ciel scowled at being reminded of his shorter stature and Sebastian chuckled. "That was rather gentlemanly of me, wasn't it?"

"Yes, except for the fact that at the time you were trying to destroy my lineage, take my innocence, devour my soul and, oh yeah, bring about Armageddon." Ciel pointed out, making the demon grin again. "You got one out of four, so all in all, you didn't do too badly." He smirked.

"Well, I didn't take your innocence as much as you offered it up to me." Sebastian reminisced with a far off look on his face. Glancing back to the angel and winking, "still, it was by far the best seduction I have ever received in my entire lifetime." Ciel snorted at the statement and rolled his eyes in response.

"I remember, that day," he spoke, turning the book over in his hands, "you asked me which I preferred; the Paradiso or the Inferno." Ciel looked up to find Sebastian studying him, nodding at the memory. "At the time I thought, no, I knew that it was Paradiso to which I felt the closest attachment. However, now," he paused for a second to find the right words. "Now, it doesn't really matter much to me." Ciel breathed quietly as he looked away.

His chin was brought back by gentle fingertips, Sebastian forcing the angel to meet his eyes. Garnet spheres burned with curiosity, the demon licking his lips as he waited for Ciel to continue. Searching the handsome face, he took a deep and steadying breath.

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