Chapter 7

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Air rushed into his lungs as he gasped for breath; eyes unfocused in the dark room and head hurting from the sudden rush of blood to his brain from sitting up too fast. Ciel hunched over his body, trying frantically to collect his wits from the horrendous dream he has just awakened from. Thin arms wrapped protectively around his bare frame, hugging tightly as blue eyes were wide with fear.

It was just a dream; just a dream. The consoling thought played over and over again in his mind to no avail. The images had been too vivid; the sensations too real to have just been a figment of his subconscious. Involuntarily, Ciel reached up to touch his neck, fully expecting there to be puncture marks and blood. Instead, his fingers grazed over smooth, unblemished skin and he relaxed a little at the reassurance that it was only a nightmare once again.

Ciel glanced over at a still sleeping Sebastian, smiling at the peaceful look on his lover's face. His heart skipped a beat at the thought that yes; he could actually call the man his lover now. Ciel admired the way the soft moonlight made the pale skin almost glow; the illumination making Sebastian look hauntingly beautiful. He smiled and leaned down to place a light peck onto the motionless pink lips, but was stopped midway as a severe pain tore through his body.

He jerked upright, muscles tensing as his shoulders burned like fire in his upper back. Ciel panted loudly, his entire body instantly hot and aching. Fingers white knuckled the sheets and teeth ground together in an attempt to keep quiet, but the torment only increased and soon small moans escaped his mouth. This couldn't be happening; not in front of Sebastian and not after the beautiful coupling they had spent only a few hours before. He needed to get out of here.

Ciel quickly slipped from the bed, sweat collecting on his brow and dampening his hair as he tried desperately to muffle the groans of the ever increasing intensity of torment he was experiencing. He just needed to get out of here until this was over; then the student would sneak back under the sheets and Sebastian would be none the wiser. Ciel dressed stealthily, putting on only enough clothing as necessary to withstand the cold outdoors.

Stepping outside, he took a deep breath of frosty air and exhaled a puff of white. The light snow had blanketed the campus with a slight dusting and had left the temperature low and cold for the rest of the night. Ciel dug his nails into his palms as he forced himself to put distance between him and the dorm, hoping that a short walk would help ease some of the pain in his body. He made it as far as the courtyard before a searing jolt of agony ripped through him and he fell to his knees.

"Why-ha? Why?" Ciel whimpered through his teeth before moaning loudly. It felt like his skeleton was being ripped from his body through his skin. "Please, make it stop." He begged quietly, tears of frustration starting to form in his eyes.

The student felt hot and sweat continued to pour from him despite the frigid temperatures. He wanted nothing more than to shed the heavy layers of this clothing and stand stark naked in the cold in an effort to relieve the internal heat broiling him alive. Ciel's stomach rolled and lurched suddenly and he bent over to vomit in the snow covered grass. Foul smelling bile forced its way past his lips, landing on the ground with a disgusting splattering sound. He coughed as he finished, wiping the taste from his mouth with the edge of his sleeve. Ciel sniffled weakly as he stared at the mess he had made and at the obviousness of the situation; he was ill and he needed help.

Reaching into his coat pocket, he retrieved his cell phone and dialed a number that he knew by heart. There was only one person he would let see him in this state and even though it was 3 AM in the morning, there was no one Ciel would rather lean on in this moment than his best friend. The call rang several times before going directly to voicemail. Groaning, the student redialed, this time the call was picked up on the third ring.

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