Chapter 34

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Father Spears searched the young man's face a moment before his hand shot out and wrapped tightly around the small wrist. Ciel emitted a sharp yelp as he was suddenly pulled into a warm embrace, his head coming to land on the priest's shoulder as long fingers weaved into the slate hair. The small body went rigid from fear and confusion until he realized that the arms holding him bore no danger and he melted into the holy man's chest.

"You poor, poor boy." Father Spears lamented, placing a chaste kiss to Ciel's temple. The gesture reminded him of his late father, when Vincent used the same method to calm him down after a scraped knee or a spanking. Closing his eyes, he smiled and wrapped his arms as much as possible around the priest. "Please forgive me for the burden I have thrust upon you so necessarily." He bemoaned, hold growing tighter as he buried his face into the side of Ciel's hair.

"It's alright." He soothed, pushing himself off the clergyman and crawling back onto his feet. Ciel didn't want to risk causing more injury to the priest and instead chose to stand next to the bed. "You didn't know the demon would jump from Beast into you. How could you?" The man groaned quietly and shook his head.

"I have devoted my entire life to the service of Our Lord. I was hand-picked by Father Lau to be your spiritual advisor." He explained, an angry glint in his emerald eyes as he spoke. "To remove my rosary and approach a possessed body like that; it was foolish and inexcusable on my part."

"And then to attack you!" The Father bellowed, a hand motioning towards the angel who blushed at the memory. "I-I, what I did, what almost happened." He gasped, face paling in horror at how he forced himself upon the young man. "The things I said . . . the things I wanted to do to you . . ." A shudder of revulsion ran through him as he recalled the mortifying events.

Ciel stood still, unsure how to react at the site of the man falling to pieces in front of him. Father Spears had always seemed like a pillar of unshakable strength, his faith and sense of duty to the Lord outweighing any personal interests or flaws. The young man had spent his entire youth dependent on the fact that the priest would forever be there as the one person on this earth who was unaffected by petty things such as sex and desire. He was so controlled and calm, only rarely showing emotion of any sort when the occasion called for it. In Ciel's eyes, Father Spears had always been more than human to him.

Now, as he watched from the edge of the bed, the angel was having trouble processing who this person was that trembled like a child. Green eyes screwed shut behind his glasses and the Father hugged himself while brown bangs shook back and forth as he desperately tried to dispel the images from his mind. It was unnerving, to say the least, and Ciel feared that maybe the damage the demon had caused was irreversible. Suddenly, everything fell into place and he realized what he should say.

"Shh, shhh, stop that." He pacified, sitting down beside the quivering clergyman and placing a gentle hand on the clothed arm. "None of those things that happened were your fault. The demon had complete control of your body and actions." Ciel explained, pulling the large hands down and collecting them in the man's lap.

"I know, that if you could have stopped him, you would have." The angel stated, catching the sad jade eyes with compassionate blue. "And I know, from the bottom of my heart, that you would never try to do anything like that to me." Ciel gave a sincere smile, squeezing the long fingers in his as Father Spears gave a heaving sigh. "It's ok. You're fine now and things can go back to normal once you start feeling better."

An eyebrow quirked up at the statement and Ciel shrugged in response. "Well, you need to get better soon, I mean, Father Sutcliffe has been running St. Victoria's in your absence." The angel grinned at the way the man's expression darkened; it was exactly how Father Spears would react to that kind of news. "With Undertaker's help, of course." He struggled to hold back a chuckle as green eyes widened slightly in horror. "Yep, Sunday service is pretty much all about Mary Magdalene and how society wrongly judged her." Father Spears pressed his lips into an annoyed thin line and Ciel couldn't help, but snort at the familiar sight.

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