Chapter 23

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For second, it registered with Ciel that he was about to participate in the physical act of sex while splayed out on an altar in the same church in which he had taken communion; the same place where his parents had been murdered and just feet away from where he had transitioned over from simple college student into his birthright. However, the moment of doubt that maybe he and Sebastian should take this passionate union elsewhere was quickly overshadowed by the heavy breaths and hot kisses that were placed upon his skin. Ciel's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt the demon's hand skim down between his legs to lightly press against his puckered entrance and he decided that his hesitation of their location was of no consequence. This was an act of love; something beautiful, something in itself was holy.

"You don't need it." Sebastian whispered, spreading the pale thighs further apart and positioning his leaking tip against the tight ring. Ciel groaned a little as he felt the pressure of the slick head push in a centimeter, bracing himself for the certain pain to come. "You'll adjust so much faster and more easily in your angelic state." He explained, hips pressing forward as he sheathed the throbbing flesh into the welcoming heat of the angel's body.

Fingers dug harshly into Sebastian's broad shoulders and the demon hissed in a satisfaction produced by the mixture of pain and warmth of seating himself snuggly into Ciel's ass. The small back arched from the altar, lids screwed tightly shut as teeth dug hard into the freshly kissed lower lip to keep from crying out at the feeling of being split in two. It was almost unbearable, being taken dry and fast, but the agony began to subside quickly and within a minute, Ciel's body adjusted to Sebastian's size and he relaxed back into the table.

"I told you so." The demon snickered as he watched the tension melt away from his lover's face. Ciel opened his mouth to give a snarky remark, but lost his breath as Sebastian began to move within him. "Fuck, so hot." He breathed as he slid out until only his tip remained before slamming his hips forward and into the blissful heat once more.

Their bodies rocked together in harmony, Ciel taking what Sebastian gave while the demon accepted the passion and emotions that the angel was bringing out of him. Skin glistened with sweat and the sound of their panting breaths and desperate moans filled the high ceilings of the church; creating the most beautiful of symphonies one would ever hear. Theirs was a union the likes of which had never been seen; a perfect balance between the scales of good and evil.

Ciel moaned lewdly as Sebastian plowed into him and hitting his pleasure spot with such force that he thought he might pass out from ecstasy. Neither needed to hold back for fear of hurting the other anymore and it was with this new found freedom of no longer having to hide that the angel finally let all his inhibitions go. Ciel could be as rough as he wanted now with Sebastian and not have to worry about revealing his guarded secret and the demon treat him the same in turn. For the demon, knowing that he could use all his strength and stamina now on the angel fueled his desires and Sebastian found himself drowning in the strong emotions that welled up from the depths of his heart.

He groaned and buried his face into the crook of Ciel's neck as he felt his body begin to beg for release. He didn't want this end; not yet. Sebastian wanted to continue to hold the writhing form in his arms; feel their bodies joined together as one being; listen to the lovely sounds that fell from those blessed lips. The demon's large black wings fanned out over them; a protective shield keeping his precious love safe from harm and declaring loudly that Ciel was his and his alone to the Lord above. He wasn't about to give the angel up to anybody, Deity or not.

Beneath a moist warm tongue, he felt the steady beat of Ciel's pulse and he moaned loudly as the tension coiled low: readying itself to snap. Sebastian knew the angel was close as well at the way the muscles clenched around him so tightly. Panting heavily into the soft skin of the delicate throat, the demon finally decided to lose himself in everything Ciel had conjured up within him since the day that had first met.

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