Chapter 30

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The sight of Ciel sleeping so soundly was beyond precious to him and the demon gently pulled the slumbering angel close to him. Massive black wings surrounded them both, providing warmth and security as Sebastian laid the small head against his chest. Ciel mumbled softly, burying his nose into the warmth and humming at the strong thumping of his lover's heart. Sebastian purred with delight, strong arms and wings tightening ever more as he settled in for a night holding tight with the most prized possession in the world to him.

Author's Notes: Well look at that. An entire chapter completely made up of hot, sweaty smut. Hmmm, I wonder how that happened. (Snicker, snicker, snicker) You're welcome.

I have a friend who tells me that the wings during the smut is creepy. Anybody else want to chime in on that sentiment? In my opinion it makes Sebastian and Ciel's smexy scenes even hotter, but you guys let know. Mmmkay? Cuz I write for you, my darlings.

So, Father Spears is still at large, running around and doing God knows what. Any predictions on what might happen? And while you are thinking about that, go check out BlackRoseEden's Promises. Go now! I give you leave to go! Lol

Chapter 37

Ciel stood back, arms crossed over his chest as he waited for some sort of response from the people gathered in his office. The old Grandfather clocked kept a steady pace of ticking as the silence continued, none of those present knowing how to react to such devastating news. After a few minutes, the Demon Slayer cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak only to be interrupted by a loud, morose wail produced from the individual on the loveseat.

"Oh! My poor, poor William!" Father Sutcliffe lamented, draping his entire body over the finely crafted leather and dramatically placing the back of a hand to his forehead. With one leg kicking out to reveal red pants underneath the dark priestly robes, he continued. "Out there all alone, being held captive by the dreadful demon. Who knows what sort of unclean and perverted things it is doing with his pristine body!" The effeminate man sighed loudly again before pretending to faint over the armrest.

Ciel rolled his eyes at the ridiculous display and did his best to ignore the quiet giggle from behind him. Alois snickered from his spot sitting on top of Ciel's desk; a slim leg crossed over the other as he observed the meeting that was taking place regardless of the fact that no one could hear or see him besides his best friend. The angel had asked the spirit to be here today hoping that maybe the blonde might have some helpful suggestions as they brainstormed what to do about Father Spears. Now, Ciel was beginning to wonder if that had been a mistake on his part.

"Now, now, I wouldn't worry too much about our dear superior's body, if I were you, kekekekeke." Undertaker smirked playfully from his seat opposite the still moaning red head. The silver haired mortician giggled and gleefully drummed his long darkly polished fingers together. "Anything the good Father does while possessed will be forgiven by the Lord since it is not his free will that dictates his actions at the moment." Grell rolled into an upright position and pouted, the action making the strange man cackle with laughter.

Ciel scowled at the pair, wondering how out of all people, these two were his best bet at finding a way to save Father Spears. Blue eyes darted first from the fiery crimson locks of Father Sutcliffe to land on the even more bizarre Undertaker with his long dark robes and thick silvery bangs which hid his eyes from view. However, none of that bothered Ciel, not even the large black top hat the man wore which was permanently bent near its top. No, it was the cryptic and cheerful nature which Undertaker spoke that always made the young man's skin crawl.

He sighed heavily thinking about the little group he had brought together; one incorporeal spirit, one crazy mortician and one priest who didn't seem to realize a certain piece of anatomy kept him from being the gender he so desired. It was an odd choice of people to assist Ciel in saving the senior priest of St. Victoria's, but there really weren't very many options available to him. The angel absolutely refused to consider any alternatives in which they might have to destroy Father Spears in order to harm the demon; therefore, they had to find a way to separate the evil being from its human host first. If this was all the help that Ciel was going to get, then he was going to make the best of it.

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