Chapter 27

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"Yes, fuck, yes!" The silky voice moaned as a head full of ebony hair slammed back into the fluffy pillows and hips pushed urgently up. Sebastian's long fingers ripped into Ciel's slate locks as the angel's face was bobbing between his strong thighs. "God, just like that." He breathed as his body rocked to rhythm of the young man's pleasurable ministrations.

The demon had awoken this morning to a slumbering angel snuggled up nicely into his bare chest. He didn't know exactly what time his lover had returned in the middle of the night, but he knew that it had been later than usual. Gently, Sebastian had prodded him into consciousness with light kisses and feathery tickles before asking Ciel how the previous night's patrolling had gone. However, instead of getting the normal 'fine' or 'ok', the man found himself being pounced upon by a very eager to please angel.

Sebastian would be less than honest if he said that the fact his little lover was out and about in the dead of night running around in search of demons to slaughter didn't worry him a bit. Especially since one of those said demons might be his former Lieutenant who would love nothing more than to kill Ciel and have his precious soul for dinner. Even though the General had not seen hide nor hair of Claude in a while it still put him on edge to think that the angel might encounter vengeful minion of Hell without Sebastian around to protect him. However, none of that seemed to matter at the moment as the man let himself drown in the affection that was so liberally being applied to him.

"Ha, ha, your mouth!" He moaned as Ciel took the rigid length completely down his throat until his lips pressed flat around the base. Tension pulled tight within his lower belly and Sebastian hissed in delight as small teeth grazed the underside of his swollen shaft, making him shudder. "Mmmnnahh, let me fuck it." He pleaded and held Ciel's head in place to cease its movements.

The angel obliged, opening his jaw and relaxing the muscles in the back of his throat as Sebastian gave light thrusts into the warm orifice. Small hands rested on the cut hipbones, ready to push away or hold them down if the demon became too excited and started to lose control. Ciel focused on trying to breathe as the large mass of meat was slid in and out of his airway and from the sound of Sebastian's cursing overhead, he wouldn't have to concentrate much longer. Closing his eyes, slim fingers gripped into the flesh of the shaking thighs as he readied himself to take what his lover gave him.

"Mmnaah, Ciel." Sebastian groaned loudly as the blissful wire in him snapped and pleasure shot through him. The demon withheld a quiet whimper as in his orgasmic haze he could feel Ciel's throat muscles work to swallow the salty, bitter mess that was the by-product of his ecstasy. "Yeah, drink it all." He sighed as the last bit of warm cum was sucked and his member released with a low pop.

Lids parted and garnet spheres watched lazily as a small pink tongue went about licking and cleaning up any droplets that might have escaped. Sebastian suppressed a chuckle at the way Ciel reminded him of a mother cat grooming her kittens right about now; the act incredibly endearing. Not being able to control himself, large hands reached under the thin arms and the demon tugged the surprised little angel up to his chest.

"Seba-what?" Ciel gasped as he was swiftly encased in strong arms and rolled onto his back. Sebastian hovered over him, a devilish smirk playing on his full lips as shining blue stared wide and unblinking. "I wasn't finished. You're still dirty." He reprimanded lightly, pouting only a little as to do so fully would hurt his now aching jaw.

"I'm a being of Hell. I like to be dirty." Sebastian purred playfully, adding an entirely different meaning to the word. Leaning in and touching the tips of their noses together, he grinned. "We demons have all those less than favorable traits like lying and deception, whereas angels have all the good qualities." Pulling back a little, he caught Ciel's eyes and winked. "And since you are one of the latter and a purveyor of honest and trust, it begs the question; what you are not telling about what happened on your patrol last night."

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