Chapter 38

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The sentence rushed past his lips as if he were afraid he would lose his nerve and they would disappear into the ether. Even though the man had just sworn his fealty, Ciel was well aware that once he learned of the Demon Slayer's plan, the holy man might just decide to recant his earlier statement. The angel couldn't blame him if he did; what he was suggesting would defy the laws of nature and alter the events of celestial history.

"I am going into Hell to take back my parents' souls." Ciel stated in a low and serious tone. Blue eyes bore sternly into shocked grey, the holy man's jaw slacking at the bold admission. "However, try as I might, there doesn't seem to be very much if any information in my father's collection." He elaborated, sweeping a hand out to gesture at his messy desk and the large floor to ceiling bookcases. "It doesn't surprise me though, considering no one has ever attempted something like this."

Agni took a moment to process everything, his perplexed gaze carefully watching Ciel's every movement before closing his mouth and pressing the mocha lips into a thin hard line. The angel sucked in a quick breath, holding it as he waited anxiously to find out what the priest thought about his plan. Agni inhaled and exhaled loudly through his nose as he prepared an answer.

"No, there wouldn't be." He agreed finally, ending the tense silence and letting the angel breathe in relief. "Humans cannot travel between the realms of Heaven and Hell, so there would be no record in our books." Agni's matter-of-fact tone allowed Ciel to relax when he realized that the man was not running away or going to scold him. "However, you would first need to find an entrance point to gain access to Hell, otherwise everything else you learn will be moot."

"Finding an entrance is simple, it's opening it that is a bitch." Sebastian purred, interrupting their conversation as he waltzed back into the office. Ciel and Agni turned to see the demon smiling at them while a rather satisfied looking Soma trailed behind. "Any being with a spiritual essence can locate a weak spot between Hell and Heaven's dominion on earth." He elaborated, coming over to the angel and looping a long arm around the slim waist. "But it takes someone with Satanic blood to actually break through the plane and enter Hell." Hugging Ciel close to his side, he smirked. "The same thing applies to the entrance of Heaven and its inhabitants."

"Am I correct in assuming that you will be taking the lead on that front?" Ciel queried, tilting his head up to catch the demon's eyes. He snuggled further into the embrace as the man nodded, glancing momentarily at Agni and Soma's reactions. Neither seemed bothered by their hugging and so the angel didn't see why he should stop. "Hmmm, OK, well that is solved." He hummed.

"How are you going to do it?" Soma blurted out, everyone turning their attention to the young man who had taken his place once again at the priest's side and he continued. "Ciel, how do you plan to extract the souls from Lucifer?" Gold eyes blinked innocently at the angel while the priest scowled in thought. "No one has ever tried something like this before and it does not seem likely that He will just release them because you ask nicely."

Suddenly, it became apparent to Soma that the office had gone completely silent, three pairs of eyes watching him intently. The socially awkward youth blushed heavily, wondering if he had spoken out of turn. "I'm sorry, if I have said something wrong." He apologized, clasping his hands behind him and glancing to the floor before mumbling. "I just wanted to know."

"That, is a very good observation, Soma." Agni stated, placing a gentle hand on a small shoulder. Soma looked up into the warm smile his superior showered upon him and grinned. "A very valid point." He reiterated, looking over to the angel and demon. "Do you have any ideas how you will be able to achieve such a feat?" Ciel shook his head negatively.

Suddenly, the weight of the immense challenge he was taking on was felt. The angel lowered his gaze to the floor, worrying small teeth into his lower lip. Ciel had been so passionately driven and determined to save his parents from an eternity of torment that he had not taken the time to think through everything. He had actually hoped to stumble across something in his father's study or that maybe the Hindu priest would have some answers so he could piece together a more concrete plan. Slowly, the realization that he might not be able to pull this off began to creep in and Ciel's shoulders slumped with despair.

Revelations part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें