Chapter 6

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"Sebastian!" Ciel cried out in relief, turning to wrap his arms around the man's waist. He pressed their bodies close in a frantic need to prove that his boyfriend was actually there instead of just hallucinating his existence. "I-I thought you were . . ." Ciel couldn't say the words his mind created. Releasing the fervent grip, he looked up to take in the state of the man.

Garnet eyes danced with amusement and a small smirk played on Sebastian's lips in spite of dark smudges across his cheek and chin. The usually messy ebony bangs were even more disheveled and there were stains on the black leather jacket that would probably never come out. Ciel eyed the dirt on the pale skin, wondering if it was soil or blood.

Blood! The word rang loud and clear through the student's thoughts as he remembered the splatters on the stones only a few feet away. Ciel hurriedly pushed himself off Sebastian; hands and eyes frantically searching all over the larger body for some sort of injury. A memory flashed in his mind of the graduate holding his side; sanguine liquid seeping from between the long fingers while he was tumbled to the ground.

"Oh God! You're bleeding!" Ciel exclaimed, his attention immediately focusing on the same spot as the recollection. Gingerly, he reached out the touch the crimson soaked fabric, the pressure making Sebastian grunt in discomfort. "Ah, oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you more." He apologized quickly, recoiling from the wound.

"I'm fine." Sebastian reassured, smiling at the concern Ciel was exhibiting. Using the hand that was not currently holding his waist, he placed the palm on the side of the slate head, stroking the hair softly. "It's not that bad actually; just looks that way." Ciel narrowed his eyes skeptically and pursed his lips in disapproval. The sight made Sebastian chuckle, an action he regretted as it pulled on the gash in his midsection.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Ciel instructed, sliding himself to the uninjured side of the graduate and placing an arm just under his shoulders. Sebastian leaned some of his weight into the smaller body, letting his boyfriend help support him as they walked towards the edge of the circle. "You might need stitches or something."

Sebastian shook his head as they entered the darkness of the woods. "No, I don't need a doctor." He argued. "It really isn't as severe as it looks. Just get me back to the dorm." Ciel frowned and opened his mouth to protest, but Sebastian quickly added, "If we can't control the bleeding in my room then I will let you take me to the emergency room, ok?" The student grumbled in reluctant agreement as the continued to slowly make their way back to the civilization of the university.

"Gahh, that frigging burns!" Sebastian hissed as rubbing alcohol was swabbed over the cut with a clean cotton ball. He watched curiously while Ciel mumbled a quiet apology before placing some sterile gauze and tape over the injury. The graduate smirked at the way his boyfriend's brow knitted together in concentration as he finished bandaging him up in the Sebastian's dorm room.

They had made it back to campus and the graduate dorms just as the flurries had thickened into a light snowfall. Once inside, Sebastian had peeled off his jacket and shirt before plopping onto the bed and leaning back on his elbows. Ciel went about asking where the first aid kit was; all the while trying not to stare at the enticing display that was his shirtless boyfriend only a few feet away.

Finding the elusive medical supplies in the bathroom cabinet, the student sauntered back and positioned himself next to Sebastian on the mattress; knees tucked neatly under him so he could hover easily over the laceration. Ciel frowned at the 5 inch horizontal line that had perforated the skin of the torso and he started by wiping away the smears of dried blood that stained the surrounding skin.

"Huh, what do you know?" He murmured to himself as his cleansing revealed the accosted derma was no longer bleeding. Ciel leaned in to get a closer look and was amazed to find that the wound in fact was no longer leaking Sebastian's life fluids; the area having already clotted. "I would have sworn this was much, much deeper." He stated, a little annoyed he had been wrong.

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