chapter 49

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Sebastian twitched his nose, sniffing the cold air and grumbling with impatience. He eyed the night sky, the obscuring darkness beginning to lighten ever slightly as the moon made its way across. White clouds puffed out from annoyed lips, the leather jacketed arms crossed over his chest as he shifted his weight for the umpteenth time.

It had been about three hours, give or take, since Ciel and Alois had jumped through the portal into Hell. During that time, Sebastian had stood a few feet back in front of the entry, mind racing and calculating what the angel and his friend were doing at that very moment.

His chest tightened with anxiety as images of Ciel laying broken and bleeding on the parched ground of his birth, gasping for help. A few times already, the demon had to restrain himself from jumping through the doorway and going after the young man. The only thing that kept his feet firmly planted into the dead grass and snow was the promise that he had made to wait for Ciel until he returned. However, as the minutes ticked by and the night wore on, Sebastian became more and more unsettled that the pair had not made it back yet.

The plethora of people behind him only annoyed him further, their quiet conversations and occasional laughter as they passed the time waiting for something horrible to tear its way through grated at the man. If they were lucky, nothing would, but at this point, Sebastian would gladly take on all of Satan's army on by himself if it meant he could have Ciel back safe in his arms once again.

Snorting, he rolled his shoulders, back popping from staying in the same position too long. He licked his lips and cracked his neck, doing just about anything at this point to keep his mind occupied. Sebastian had considered striking up another conversation with Father Spears, but doubted that would lead to anything good. The two only dealt with one another for the sake of Ciel, if they had met at any other time, a battle to the death would have most definitely ensued.

Suddenly, Sebastian froze, his ears perking up at the tiniest noise emanating from the portal. His body tensed, eyes narrowing in on the dark space as if trying to make out what could possibly be coming through. There was no telling and it was far better to be on the offensive. Fangs extended, a low hiss being made as hands curled into tight fists.

All around him, people quieted down, noticing the change in the demon's demeanor. Father Spears came up behind, metal staff in hand while Undertaker and Father Sutcliffe flanked his sides. Bard, Finny and Mey Rin remained further back, their weapons held in position and ready for any sort of threat. Agni, Soma, Dagger, Joker and Beast did the same, watching carefully while Sebastian stepped closer to the black opening.

Crimson turned magenta, pupils slitting into thin lines as he crouched down. The same noise was made, something akin to a high pitched keening, like metal being torn apart. Sebastian growled, not having ever encountered something like this before and his gaze remained steadily locked upon the entrance for the first hint of what was trying to escape. The sound grew louder, rising in intensity as it rapidly approached the opening and the demon readied himself for whatever happened next.

A blur of white was seen by the onlookers as the being shot from the dark hole, colliding with Sebastian and sending him flying backwards onto the ground. The demon huffed as he landed hard, arms wrapped around the smaller body that now lay on top of him. After a second, comprehension set in and his nose picked up the faint familiar scent of lavender and sunlight.

"Hi, you." The voice spoke, slate bangs being pushed out of the way to reveal shining sapphire spheres. Sebastian stared wide eyed at the grinning face, mouth dropping open in silent disbelief. "Is that the sort of greeting I get for coming back to you? I swear we really need to work on your peop-mmmfph!"

Ciel's sentence died on his lips as Sebastian gripped the angel's head and kissed him fiercely. Small fingers ran through the ebony locks, smashing their faces together, refusing to let space separate them any longer. A low hum was heard as the demon's tongue pushed into the smaller cavern, licking and tasting the angel as if for the first time.

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