Chapter 5

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The Harvest Festival at St. Victoria's University was the largest generator of revenue for charities in the small town. Every year when finals were over, the campus's athletics' field became a veritable carnival of games, food and purveyors selling local goods like pies and jellies. All the money earned was distributed to various homeless shelters and nonprofits to assist the community in making sure that everyone had somewhere warm to spend the long winter nights that seemed to be approaching sooner this year than ever before. In fact, the opening night of the four day event had been forecasted to see the first few snowflakes of the season.

The students especially looked forward to the festival, having finished their studies and wanting to blow off some steam by hanging with their comrades on what normally would have been time taken up studying. Ciel and Alois were no exception, especially since the blonde had managed to not fail calculus by the skin of his teeth and now planned to make up for lost time at the fair.

With an obscene amount of asking, begging and then outright groveling, he had managed to get Ciel to agree to a double-date with him and Claude. The business major had finally agreed to go along with the outing with the condition that under no circumstances was he to be witness to any make out sessions between the two. Alois had 'crossed his heart and hoped to die' before pouncing excitedly upon his best friend and assuring him that they were going to have the best time ever.

Now, as Ciel gazed up at the tiny white flurries that floated gently from the night sky, he had to agree him. A large warm hand enveloped his own and he turned to see a smiling Sebastian pulling him along towards the entrance of the festival. He grinned and tugged the black pea coat tighter around his slim figure, wondering for a moment how his boyfriend managed to stay warm in the same leather jacket he wore almost every day.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice yelled across the crowd, making the pair snap their heads in the direction of the sound. "Over here!" Alois cried, waving his hand like a maniac in the air near the funnel cake stand. It was just like the drama student to find the greasiest, most unhealthy thing to eat, but Ciel couldn't deny the craving in his stomach as the scent of fresh, fried dough filled his nose.

Walking over, he immediately grabbed the last piece of powdered sugar cake and shoved it in his mouth. "Mmmm, good." Ciel mumbled as he munched happily on Alois's snack. "I tell you, nothing is better than funnel cake at a fair." He appraised licking his fingers. "Did you get any soda? I am parched." The blonde shook his head and giggled, reaching into his jacket pocket to produce a small metal flask.

"Here, have some of this." He instructed, handing the steel to his friend. Ciel eyed the container doubtfully, he and Alois both knowing that he didn't handle liquor well. Unscrewing the cap, he lifted it to his nose to have a sniff. "It's apple moonshine." The blonde explained when blue eyes grew wide with confusion at the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg that emanated from the container. "Go on, have some." Ciel shook his head and handed it back.

"No thanks. I don't drink, you know that." Alosi pouted, but sighed reluctantly as he started to place it back into his jacket. Long fingers reached out and snatched it away, leaving all three of them to stare at who had shown up all of a sudden.

"You really are quite the little saint, aren't you?" Claude critiqued of Ciel. Alois instantly snuggled up next to the man, making himself at home in the strong arm that draped itself across the slim shoulders. "No alcohol, no sex," he counted off, Ciel's brow furrowing in annoyance. Gold locked with cobalt as Claude took a swig of the liquor, smacking his lips afterwards with approval. "You don't know what you are missing." He teased.

"You really are insufferable at times, Claude." Sebastian commented, squeezing his boyfriend's hand to keep him from arguing with his roommate. The flask was pointed his way, but he declined with a wave of his hand. "I don't like sickly sweet things." Earning a shrug in response, Sebastian cocked an eyebrow. "My palate requires a more complex array of flavors to satisfy it." He smirked.

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