Chapter 39

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Tick, tick, tick, the sharp sound of the second hand on the wall clock echoed throughout the room. Frustrated sighs were heard as students shuffled in their seats, each one trying desperately to finish their final exam before the professor told them time had run out. Ciel was no different as he feverishly scratched away at the piece of paper showing his calculations, knowing that if he didn't hurry he might be one of the unfortunate few who left unanswered questions.

He paused for moment, gaze flitting away from the business calculus final to land on the empty chair next to him, the one which currently held his backpack. The seat had been unused for some time, even though this particular class was completely full. However, no student dared argue about such a spot being occupied by an inanimate object when everyone knew who had sat there previously.

Guilt washed over Ciel staring at the vacant seat, thinking about how it just wasn't right that Alois wasn't sitting here next to him right now. No doubt the drama major would have made some attempt to cheat off him, probably justifying the illicit activity by saying something akin to 'share, share, it's only fair' to which Ciel would have just ignored him. Still, he would have taken that small bit of irritation now, if only he could have Alois alive and well beside him once again.

The blond would have been graduating after this round of exams, well, maybe if he had actually managed to pass everything. Sadly, he would never find that out, his destiny having been abruptly altered and without any option of changing it. Ciel sighed as he shook his head, realizing that he had just messed up the entire derivative he had been working on.

Moving onto the next equation, he mentally thanked Sebastian for forcing him to study over the past few weeks. It would have been very easy to forget about classes such as this while there were so many larger important things looming on the horizon. As it was, the demon was bound and determined that the angel would live a long and productive life, one in which he took over his other birthright, that of being the CEO of Funtom Co.

Grabbing an eraser, he furiously scrubbed away at the lead markings, wishing he could keep him mind trained on the current topic. So much had happened since that day when he had implored Mister Agni for his assistance in the mission to save his parents' souls; however, it was what transpired right after the holy man and Soma had left that still stayed freshest in his mind. Even now, despite his best efforts, memories resurfaced making the present fade away despite his best efforts and he was once more in the private office, Sebastian's touch hot on his skin . . .

"Mmmm," Ciel moaned as a series of light kisses were placed upon his neck. Sebastian hummed into the delicate skin, pushing him harder against the edge of the desk. "Nnahhh." He breathed, fingers tugging into the dark hair to guide the playful tongue back up to his mouth.

Sebastian ground his hips into the waiting thighs, earning a pleased grunt as the friction gave them mutual stimulation. He chuckled at the way he had managed to trap Ciel to the furniture, long hands reaching around rake down the small back. Another moan was heard as the angel's head tipped back, allowing the demon to have full access to his throat once again.

His lips hovered over the large vein, blood pumping away underneath as Ciel bared such a vulnerable spot so casually to him. A serious look came over the handsome face as he laid a soft kiss to the area, garnet eyes glowing with the desire to just flip the lithe form over and got at it without a second thought. Yet, Sebastian restrained himself, knowing there was something else they needed to discuss first, this whole depriving oneself from the things they wanted a new and foreign concept to the demon. Huffing, he gently pushed away from the eager fingers and demanding warm mouth.

"Se-Sebastian, what's wrong?" Ciel panted, confused as to why the man just stopped everything. He frowned, jumping down from the desk to examine the demon closer. "Is something the matter?" Pressing his hands flat against the hard chest, he gave a sly smile. "Is there something new you want to try?" Ciel purred seductively, hoping that he could bring back the mood that seemed to have vanished so quickly.

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