Chapter 18

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The two continued to pace around an invisible circle; every step matching in length and speed so neither could move any closer. Cobalt blue eyes narrowed as Ciel assessed the situation, feeling the comforting weight of Vincent's sword in his right hand. He observed the way the demoness known as Hannah moved with confidence; her long body relaxed and languid as a teasing smile played upon her full lips.

She wasn't frightened of him in the least and the way in which she regarded the young man's insignificance only further served to piss him off. As it was, Ciel was already full of loathing for the creature who had been going around murdering his fellow classmates so casually. He would like nothing better than to wipe the haughty look from her pretty face right then and there.

"So, you think that you'll be the one to best me?" Ciel asked, referring back to her previous statement of being the one to dole out his death. The edge of his mouth twitched up in a hint of a smirk, "Awfully full of yourself, aren't you?" He observed, taking another quick side step to maintain a safe distance for his opponent. "What if I kill you? Have you thought about that?"

Hannah pursed her lips at the idea, humming as she pretended to think it over. "Not really." She responded after a moment, violet locking onto ocean blue while grinning. "You can't beat me, little boy." The feminine voiced drawled out as if scolding a five year old and she extended a limb to rake sharp black nails lightly over the pale forearm. "In my veins flows the Dark Lord's own blood. I am royalty, you see." She paused, taking a swift step forward that made Ciel immediately retreat back the same measurement, readying to defend himself if needed.

Hannah continued, resuming her slow and rounding gait. "This means I am no ordinary demon; I have more power than most and I highly doubt that you have the skill required to do any real damage." A thin eyebrow arched and she pinned Ciel with a serious stare. "Also, there is no one around this time so save your skinny ass." She laughed as he stopped moving for a second at the statement; frowning with confusion as he tried to figure out what in the world the demon was going on about.

Hannah waited for a beat before sighing and reaching behind her back to pull out a long curved blade. Moonlight glistening off the curved metal and something about the weapon pricked at Ciel's brain at the familiarity of the object; then it clicked. A memory forced itself to the surface and blue eyes flew aide as he gasped in disbelief at seeing it once again.

"That, that . . . I know that blade." Ciel blinked rapidly just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. However, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, the truth was apparent and staring him right in the face. He gaped at the woman who seemed to find nothing, but humor in this entire situation. "It was you, wasn't it?" Hannah grinned, pleased that the young man finally figured it out. "You sent them that night; those three freaks!" Ciel accused, anger boiling hot inside him.

"They almost killed Sebastian with that thing!" He seethed, indicating to the sickle shaped dagger by pointing with the sword. Images of blood seeping through long fingers as Ciel had stood by terrified; watching as the graduate had clutched his injured side and told him to run filled his mind. "You sick bitch!" He cursed, teeth grinding together. "He could have died!" Hannah gave a low snort and rolled her eyes at the ardent argument.

"Like I care about that. You should have seen the state your lover sent my poor babies back in." She pouted at the reminder of the Triplets returning from their failed mission, broken and bleeding. Tilting her head to side and letting the lilac hair tumble over her shoulders, she gave Ciel a stern look. "Sebastian was always a vindictive bastard." She snarled before noticing the confused look being given at her comment. "Oh, I see that someone has been hiding things from you." She cooed sweetly. "Too bad you won't be around long enough to find out the truth about your honey bear." A vicious laugh erupted from her chest, the demoness taking great delight in messing with him emotionally.

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