Chapter 36 (666?

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"No way, I mean, really?" Ciel gawked as he trudged next to Dagger across the campus courtyard. The blond-black haired senior hummed in acknowledgement and kept staring straight ahead. "Wow, I can't believe it. Lizzie must be really serious about you to want you to meet her parents." The angel admitted, grinning as a heavy blush dusted over his friend's face.

The two made their way through the myriad of students who milled about in haphazard directions. There were only a few weeks left to the semester and soon classmates would be graduating and moving on with the next chapter of their lives. Ciel couldn't help, but feel a pang of sadness every time he thought about the end of term as it would have been Alois's as well. However, his best friend would never have that opportunity to go out into the world and find himself now, not that the blond spirit seemed to mind much.

It was still unseasonably cold, the ground still covered in some small patches of stubborn snow that refused to melt. Ciel frowned as they passed a cherry blossom tree that usually would have been in full blossom by now, but had not had the chance yet as the temperature remained too chilly to let it bloom. He glanced at his former sword instructor and noticed how unhinged he looked.

"Awww, don't be nervous, man." Ciel assured him, flashing a bright smile. "I am sure it will all go OK. Just be your normal self." Brown eyes shot him a skeptical look and the angel decided to switch gears. "Sooo, you are graduating this year, that's pretty neat." He cringed at how unenthusiastic he sounded. "What do you plan to do afterwards?"

"Not sure yet." Dagger shrugged, trying to pull of an air of nonchalance, but failing. "Join the police force, maybe." He mumbled and Ciel was beginning to suspect there was more to the story than he was being told. "I am sure Mr. and Mrs. Midford will just love knowing their daughter is dating an orphan with no future." The young man drawled out, sarcasm lacing every word. Ciel stopped walking abruptly, forcing Dagger to do the same.

"Hey, stop that. You are a great guy and Lizzie is lucky to have you." He argued, frowning at the way Dagger snorted at the compliment. "You'll figure something out eventually." Ciel added, patting his friend on the shoulder. "And Lizzie loves you, so nothing else really matters, right?" Dagger grumbled before shooting him a dark look.

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've had your entire future set up for you since the day you were born." He lashed out unintentionally, making Ciel take a step back and press his lips together. Dagger instantly felt guilty, his brown eyes shining with remorse.

"Ciel, I'm sorry. I just mean that you're lucky that when you graduate next year you'll be taking over your dad's company." He sighed and gave a friendly smirk. "You don't have to worry or make the big decisions like the rest of us do, you know?"

Ciel nodded, still slightly irritated by the statement, but forcing a forgiving smile anyways. He had not thought about taking over Funtom Co. recently as he had been too preoccupied with everything else that had been going on in his life. In reality, concerning oneself with such things like profit margins and market share seemed so trivial to him now. Ciel almost laughed as he remembered how grooming himself to become the future head of the corporation was all he used to dream of doing; of being.

Sighing, he ran slender fingers through the slate bangs that flopped on his forehead. "Well, maybe Father Spears can give you a job or something." The angel suggested as they began walking again, incidentally heading in the direction of the church. "I'm sure he can find something and I'm sure Medical Examiner Midford would approve of such an association." A thin eyebrow quirked up and Dagger snickered, both of them fully aware of Lizzie's mother's involvement with church and its secrets. "She might actually be happy to know that her future son-in-law is carrying the sacred duty of helping the Demon Slayer."

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