Chapter 32

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The necklace was made of a simple thin piece of leather tied together in a messy knot; however, hanging from it was a dark blue stone wrapped multiple times in the string to keep it attached. Ciel immediately recognized it as sapphire, the gem being almost the exact same color as the studs he wore in his ears. Glancing up, he noticed that the two holy men were each wearing a similar looking pendant and smiled at now knowing they were all well protected.

"Thank you, Father Sutcliffe." He stated, slipping the accessory over his head and tucking it safely beneath his scarf. Leveling the pair with a serious stare, Ciel cleared his throat. "Has all the groundwork been laid?" Undertaker nodded in response while Father Sutcliffe let out an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, of course! What do you think we are? Idiots?" The red head ranted, pinning the young man with an annoyed glare. Pouting, the priest crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "Really, Ciel, we are here to save dear sweet William. I wouldn't put any effort forward other than my absolute best." He sniffed and the angel rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore the prior question knowing his answer would only lead to an argument and they did not have time for that.

"Ok, well, how should we proceed now?" Ciel started again, directing his inquiry this time to Undertaker. "I brought along the dagger Father Spears gave me." He informed, digging into a coat pocket and withdrawing the leather sheathed short blade that the priest had given him to carry around for protection before he had wised up and started dragging the Phantomhive sword with him everywhere. "Where should I do this?"

"Fantastic!" Undertaker hissed gleefully, clapping his spindly pale hands together before spinning around and pointing towards the center of the snow drawn pentagram, "There. In the center." Motioning towards the blessed knife in Ciel's hand, he nodded. "That should be personal enough for you to use, but be careful not to cut too deep." Undertaker wagged a long dark tipped finger in the young man's face and snickered as he chastised him. "We only brought the barest of essentials with us so if you nick a major artery we might just have to let you bleed to death. Kekekekeke."

Ciel rolled his eyes again at the insane and highly inappropriate sense of humor. He was now more than ever to do this if only to spend less time with these two freaks than absolutely necessary. Biting back a sarcastic comment, he instead hummed as he turned the dagger over in his hands.

"Alright, well, go make yourselves scarce then." He ordered simply, standing firmly in place as the pair gathered up their belongings and took off for the thick edge of the woods which laid the circular opening. It had been the plan that Father Sutcliffe and Undertaker would remain nearby, but at a safe distance until Ciel gave them the signal to begin the scripture to exorcise the demon.

Watching them leave, each step taking them further and further away, the slayer became incredibly nervous at being left all alone. In an attempt to deter the ever growing apprehension, Ciel called out to their backs. "Stay hidden and pay attention to what you are doing. I don't want to be turned into a toad or anything!" As they disappeared into the tree line, Father Sutcliffe yelled back something indecipherable, but the snarky tone was more than enough to let Ciel know that comment was less than pleasant. Sighing, he turned around and stared at the drawing in the snow.

"Well, guess there's no time like the present." He mumbled to himself while taking a cautious step into the center of the inverted star. Carefully, Ciel slipped the blade from its protective casing, the moonlight gleaming off the edge of its razor sharpness. Holding the handle firmly in one hand, he placed the blade flat onto an open palm before tilting his head back to gaze at the stars. A swift prayer was made as a final pleading to God that their plan would be successful and Ciel then cleared his mind to concentrate.

"Tonight as the moon sits high and bathes our world in her divine light, I summon thee." He recited confidently and slowly, having memorized it multiple times over. "I call upon the Devil's child to come forth to this time and place to greet the one who beckons you." Ciel paused, taking another deep breath, determined blue glancing now to his outstretched hands. "Come to me now, oh minion of darkness; the being who now possesses the body of whom this used to belong." Gripping the handle of the dagger tightly, the angel prepared himself for the final act of the summoning.

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