Chapter 22

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Knees gave way and he crumpled upon himself, the blade slipping from his grasp and clattering harshly into the expensive flooring. Ciel blinked several times in disbelief, his eyes wide, but not seeing anything. A shiver worked its way through his body and he wrapped his arms around himself in a vain attempt to warm up; even though the manor itself was temperate, he felt incredibly cold.

This wasn't real; it couldn't be. Ciel let out a strangled gasp as his fingers dug fiercely into the muscles of his encircling arms. Sebastian was a demon. He was an unholy being of Hell. Lashes grew damp as tears began to form unwanted in his eyes. The only person he had ever loved was a thing he was meant to kill. The truth of the matter washed over him suddenly, drowning him in the reality of what was expected of him to do.

A tortured cry ripped from deep within Ciel's chest and salty tears streamed down his face. He struggled to breathe as his entire frame shook violently with heavy sobs of agony. Curling into a tight ball, Ciel lay on the dining room floor and let his anger and sadness take over him for the time being. He needed to work through this and come to accept what would have to happen by his hand. So that when the time came, he could kill Sebastian just like he was supposed to and with it, his heart and soul.

The loud crack and sharp crashing sound of glass shards echoed throughout the tiled walls of the small bathroom. Razor edged pieces now lay littered about the white ceramic sink and all over the floor making the area an accident just waiting to happen. However, none of that was worth noticing at this time as the man gripped the edges of the basin side tightly on either; one fist with bloodied knuckles dripping crimson now onto the light blue bath mat.

Black bangs covered his face as Sebastian hunched over the sink shirtless; both his arm and hand hurting as their wounds were left unattended. A quiet growl slipped past the clenched teeth as a slew of emotions ran through his mind and heart, making the graduate feel terribly unhinged and out of control. It had not been his intention to punch the mirror in his dorm bathroom, but one look at his reflection and fury had buried any self-restraint he might have had left.

After leaving Ciel paralyzed with disbelief, Sebastian had fled back to the sanctity of the dormitory. Thankfully, Claude was not around; otherwise, the General might have had to murder his subordinate with the flurry of questions he would have had to answer. Stripping out of his shirt, Sebastian had been quick to examine the extent of his injury and decided that it was actually more painful than damaging. Burns from holy water would heal within a day or two; however, the scorching and stinging pain that came from them would not subside until then either.

He could feed, as having a soul would help speed up the healing process, but the last thing the man wanted was to deal with another person at the moment. Instead, Sebastian had chosen to apply a cool compress to the scarred area in hopes that it might alleviate some of the discomfort. This was how the mirror had met its unfortunate end and the graduate gained his second injury of the evening.

"Idiot." The word hissed violently past his lips. "You're a fucking idiot." Sebastian berated himself while shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut. The urge to cry was overwhelming; the prickling sensation of tears growing the more he thought about all that had happened. He clutched the uninjured hand to his chest, long fingers clawing into the pectoral as they violently tried to grasp at the beating muscle beneath. Sebastian sucked in a deep breath, hoping to relieve some of the emotional anguish that seemed to have transformed into actual physical pain.

How he had gotten to this point was absolutely mind boggling to him. He was handpicked by Lucifer to be the General of Hell's army and help bring about Armageddon by ending the Demon Slayer bloodline. It was an incredibly high honor amongst the demon world to be given such an important task and Sebastian had always been more than ready to do his master's bidding. The thought of his shortcomings only served to inflame his anger all the more and his teeth ground together to the point where they felt they would crack under the intense pressure.

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