Chapter 2

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Sebastian waited, cocking his head to the side to watch the flustered expression curiously. Ciel's entire being vibrated with anger and hurt; from the sad blue eyes to the trembling pink lips, it was obvious to him that he had done something wrong. However, instead of enjoying the torment Sebastian had imposed upon his new partner, he found himself wanting to take away the pain. A dull ache in his chest seemed to grow incrementally with each accusation Ciel vocalized; blossoming to the point where all Sebastian could think about was making the annoying feeling go away. Unfortunately he was at a loss as to how he should do this.

"If you don't like me then just say so!" Ciel raved on, the last part fading out some as hurt started to take place of his wrath. Taking a deep breath and slumping his shoulders, he spoke the fears he had only thought of up until now. "I mean, I get it if you just don't want me that way." Ciel averted his eyes to the ground. "If that's the case then I'm sorry you had to force yourself into touching me."

A sharp intake of breath was heard in the now silent hallway as Sebastian gaped at the young man. Was this really the reason behind Ciel's outburst? Not that he hadn't contacted him and not that he had teased him so mercilessly about the match; but that he felt insecure about what they had done? Sebastian mulled over the thought for a moment, trying to make sense of the odd concept of feeling unworthy of another's attention.

Again, he was faced with the difficult task of finding a way to remedy the situation. Comfort was not his forte, nor was instilling confidence in another being. Sebastian's raison d'être was actually just the opposite and he was completely baffled on what was supposed to happen next. In a moment of what he could only consider pure insanity, the man listened to the constricting feeling in his chest and ignored the logical thought process of his mind.

"Sebastian, what?" Ciel cried out as a strong arm encircled his waist, pulling him flush against the firm body. His head titled back as long fingers worked their way into the nape of his hair and he swallowed nervously at the seductive hold he was in.

Sebastian ran his nose along the dark vein apparent under the pale neck, the action making the younger man shiver as his hands gripped tightly onto each shoulder supporting him. He took a long breath, smelling the sweet fragrance and realizing that the annoying ache in his chest was beginning to subside the longer he held Ciel close to him.

"You think I don't want to touch you?" Sebastian asked softly, humming as he continued to skim the expanse of delicate skin. Ciel gasped, heart hammering wildly in his chest as his body melted into the larger form. "You have no idea how much I want to or what you do to me." He hissed, baring gleaming teeth to lightly rake against the small chin.

"I-I," Ciel forced out between sharp breaths, moaning quietly as Sebastian nibbled along his jawline. "Do I?" He managed to whimper, becoming quite aware of the stiffness building between his thighs. Ciel's head jerked up and eyes went wide when felt the large hand leave his neck and grab a hold of his wrist.

"Oh yes." Sebastian purred, pulling back to watch the student's face as he maneuvered the small hand between their bodies. Ciel's jaw dropped as his palm was pressed against the obvious bulge in the graduate's jeans. He chuckled at the expression that stared back at him. "That's all because of you." Sebastian cooed softly, red smoldering into blue.

Cautiously, Ciel applied more pressure with his hand, feeling the heat that emanated through the fabric covered organ. A low rumble in Sebastian's chest sounded and the cock grew at the ministrations. When it twitched, Ciel withdrew his hand, a look of absolute disbelief written across his face. Sebastian placed a light kiss to his forehead, pulling him close again and cradling the small face in the crook of his neck.

Ciel took a deep shaky breath as he clutched at the broad shoulder; thinking about what he had just felt. It was real; Sebastian truly desired him, the throbbing flesh in his pants had proved that much. The thought brought a smile to the young man's face and he blushed at the stupidity of his earlier insecurities about not being wanted. Shutting his eyes, he relaxed into the soft touches that littered his back and the light kisses placed on the side of his face.

"Let me show you just how much it likes you." Sebastian asked, nuzzling the slim neck. Ciel keened at the feeling and ground his hips greedily into his partner's. If they kept this up, someone might walk into the hallway and get a little bit of a peepshow. Another nibble on the fleshy part of his earlobe had Ciel making up his mind.

"M-my house." He panted, his erecting rubbing into Sebastian's thigh, the friction making him incredibly hot. "We, ah, we can go there." Ciel forced out, summoning what little composure he had left to disentangle himself from the warm embrace.

Sebastian chuckled at the flustered mess that was the student, but reached down to adjust himself in his own pants. Ciel blushed and averted his eyes as the graduate moved the aching muscle into a more comfortable position. A large hand reached out to him; palm side up and asking for the Ciel to take it. He complied and laced their fingers together, relishing how warm the hand felt enveloping his.

Revelations part 2Where stories live. Discover now