chapter 46

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Ciel glared back into the violet eyes that danced with malevolent amusement. He refused to look away, knowing that he couldn't afford to give even the smallest opening to the most powerful demon of all time. Satan still had the appearance of Father Aleister Chambers, the handsome features and human guise a complete paradox to the evil housed within. A thin eyebrow arched at the angel, a sly smile twitching at edge of the finely shaped mouth.

Behind a large white wing, Alois mumbled something about kicking ass, but Ciel ignored him as he tried to come up with a new plan since their previous one of staying undetected was moot. His dislocated shoulder ached as it healed back into place, forcing him to remain still for the time being. Ciel glared at the King of Demons, blue eyes narrowed and body tensed, looking for any sort hint that He might attack.

A low chuckle from Aleister had him growling, teeth grinding together as the angel resisted the urge to lunge forward and decapitate the bastard with the Phantomhive sword; for all the good it would do. Ciel's fingers itched to curl around the worn leather handle and avenge his parents' death in one swift move. However, that would destroy their entire purpose for having infiltrated Hell in the first place.

You can't kill Satan, only wound him, was the mantra which Ciel had used to keep himself from flying into a vengeful rage at the moment. There was much more at stake than just his desire for revenge and so, he reigned in his fury, plotting where to go from here. His and Alois situation was dangerously precarious, they had lost the element of surprise and had ended up in the worst possible scenario imaginable; wounded and cornered by the very being they had been hunting.

Discerning blue orbs slid over to assess the man standing next to the golden throne. A thin eyebrow quirked up as he caught the angel's eyes, the irises a deep purple, however, a look of pure disgust painting his porcelain face. Ciel scanned the white suit on the man, the outfit reminiscent of a butler from the Victorian era and he wondered just exactly who this being actually was. Something about him didn't strike the slayer as a demon, so why was he here in Hell serving Lucifer?

"Wha-! Ciel!" Alois cried out as his body was jerked away from the soft folds of Ciel's wings.

His head whipped around in horror to see the spirit's feet kicking above the ground, gasping and choking for air. Ciel had been so lost in thought that he hadn't even heard the footsteps creeping up behind them and he growled angrily at himself for being so careless.

"Ugh, let-ha go!" Alois demanded, fingers ripping into the ebony claws now wrapped tightly around his neck. He gasped loudly as air was forced from his lungs, the angle in which he was being lifted making it feel like his spine would snap any second.

Ciel jumped to his feet, drawing the sword and wincing slightly as the swift movement caused his shoulder pain. He immediately crouched into a defensive stance, knees bent; muscles coiled and ready to strike. The angel positioned himself between Alois's attacker and the throne where Satan and the white butler still stood. He couldn't afford to let Lucifer out of his sight, not being aware enough of his surroundings was what had put his friend into the terrifying situation he was in now. White feathers furled out wide, his body readying itself as he quickly sized up the demon who had taken Alois hostage.

The being was tall, its skin a muted scaly black from head to toe. Large dark wings framed the broad shoulders and every defined muscle was evident since it wore nothing at all. Ciel's eyes swiftly darted over the massive mound of flesh which hung between the demon's thighs. His gaze quickly continued up to the sleek black hair on its head and only stopped when he landed on a pair of familiar golden orbs.

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