chapter 47

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A shuddering breath was made, only a faint sound in the large room as blue eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Ciel gave a raspy inhale, feeling the humid air float down his windpipe and into his lungs. It brought no relief, nor eased any to his discomfort as he lay on top of the mattress, body in the same position it had been left; rigid and terrified of what might happen if he actually tried to move. His mind was blank, unable to wrap around everything.

Arms lying juxtaposed one over his head, the other in the damp fabric of his own blood. It ached slightly, the wound in his hand just starting to heal from having the venom laced dagger thrust through the palm. His white wings were spread out wide, covering the width of the large bed, their downy tips peeking over the edges. Ciel had managed to move that part of his body some, the only part actually, after Lucifer had released His hold of the angel. It was a small comfort after having been crushed under the knees of the Dark Lord while being pinned down and attacked.

The punctures in his throat stung and burned something terrible and he choked in a sharp breath as a single tear escaped the corner of his eye. It slid down his face, under the temple and into sweat drenched dark sideburn. Ciel bit hard into his lower lip then, refusing the let any more of its kin follow, even though his eyes pricked with desire to sob outright.

The memory of Lucifer's teeth embedded in his skin, sucking and slurping the precious angelic blood made him shudder; he had never felt so powerless in his entire life. Laying there like a ragdoll, unable to move or retaliate, not even being able to cry for help except for a few small pathetic whimpers after his throat had gone raw from screaming. Ciel had never been raped, but he could only liken this experience of being victimized in such a way to it. The searing pain still pulsated in his skin and the recollection of everything rang so vivid and clear in his mind; such agony the angel never knew existed.

The bite itself had been hurtful, just like any sort of sharp object piercing skin would be; however, it was the engulfing heat that followed which had rendered Ciel unable to defend himself. The moment Satan's lips had made contact with the open wound a fire began to unfurl. It was like being burned alive from the inside out.

Pain seeped into his veins, spreading throughout like a venomous snake; its poison potent and deadly. Winding and slithering through his body, it scalded everything it passed along the way and Ciel's blood became lava in his own flesh. The angel could do nothing, but remain motionless as it continued to advance into every tiny cell, making it impossible to focus on anything else, even breathing was unbearable.

Finally it reached the epicenter of his being, the evil coiling itself tightly around the pure essence of Ciel's soul. There it sat, squeezing and constricting, forcing out every little drop of goodness and weakening the angel in the process. The stolen priest's tongue lapped greedily at the warm red liquid that flowed, humming into the now crimson stained skin as He took His fill.

Ciel had breathed a low whimper when Aleister applied even more pressure, digging the fangs in further in a brutal attempt to force more tortured sounds from His victim. The angel wheezed as a long arm wrapped behind his shoulders, the Devil pressing their bodies close as if in an intimate embrace. It could not have been any farther from the truth and Ciel prayed that this would all be over soon.

After what seemed like an eternity, his neck was finally released with a low pop. Aleister moaned lowly, sitting back on the trapped hips as blood soaked lips were licked clean. Magenta orbs danced with delight, their gaze unfocused, at the taste of the holy liquid upon His palate. Looking down, He smirked at the pale, panting figure beneath him and long fingers reached out to stroke a soft cheek almost lovingly, Satan taking a moment to stare at the breathtaking sight of His enemy sprawled out defenseless before Him.

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