chapter 50

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"Are you sleeping well?" Father Spears inquired from behind his desk, long fingers laced together just below his chin. Emerald stared over the tops of his spectacles, pinning the young man who sat in the love seat opposite him on the other side of the priest's private office. "Let me rephrase that, Ciel, are you sleeping at all?"

An eyebrow arched at the Father, this scene all too familiar and yet, so different. The slayer sighed as he slumped down into the cushions, remembering a time when having counseling sessions with the holy man were just a normal part of his weekly schedule, something he used to look forward to. Now, Ciel only showed up when requested of him, not really wanting to have sit down therapy sessions and rehash everything that had happened.

"Fine." He replied simply, the dark bags under his eyes making the statement completely untrue. Ciel glanced towards the door and made an annoyed face, instantly turning his attention back, hoping the priest hadn't seen the action. "I'm sleeping as well as can be expected." He explained, feeling that was more than adequate for a response.

Father Spears's vision flicked in the direction of the door, seeing nothing there, but knowing now that Alois was most likely in that vicinity. It had taken some getting used to, but he had learned over the past few months that the spirit usually followed the angel around and one could decipher the blond's whereabouts by watching Ciel's reactions to things. It gave the priest some small comfort, knowing that the angel wasn't completely alone, Alois keeping a close eye on his friend. In this instance, he was probably chastising his friend for not being honest about his sleeping habits as of late.

It seemed like Alois would continue to roam around the earth until the angel went to Heaven one day, at least that was the consensus Father Spears had reached with the limited amount of research he could find about this sort of thing. If Ciel's prayers had pulled the spirit from the celestial paradise, then it only made sense that when the slayer left this world, his best friend would be right there with him. It was the best explanation he had been able to come up with as to what would happen to the blond eventually.

This suited Alois just fine seeing as how he had no intention of going anywhere anytime soon. All it had taken was one look at the angel and to know immediately where he needed to stay. Ciel may be able to put up a brave front, act like he was doing alright, but Alois knew that underneath it all the young man was grieving heavily. Heaven could wait for the time being, he would find his way back one day. What was important right now was helping Ciel recover from that night over two months ago when they had managed to miraculously return from Hell.

The angel and spirit had brought with them a slew of demons through portal; all bent on having Ciel's head. Lucifer had no doubt sent them, the Dark Lord wanting nothing more than to exact revenge on the one who had somehow managed to steal away the prized immortal souls of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive. It would take a long time for Satan to get over that and Hell was most likely in turmoil as stronger demons attempted to steal the throne for themselves and overthrow their ruler.

However, none of that mattered as the entry into that dimension had been sealed off by Father Spears. The demons would need to use another portal to gain access to the earth once again and it wouldn't take long until they did. Yet, for the time being, things were quiet on battle front, a blessing and a curse for the Demon Slayer who was only busy with mundane tasks that most senior university students dealt with like studying and getting ready for exams. The fact still remained, Ciel was not normal by any stretch of the imagination.

That night, they had managed to pry the angel's hands away from Sebastian's dead body only after he had passed out from exhaustion. Even then, the fingers refused to let go of their hold on the cooled skin and crimson soaked fabric and it took both Father Spears and Mister Agni to eventually disentangle Ciel from the demon. The angel was a mess of blood and gore, his own wounds looking painful and on the verge of infection.

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