Chapter 31

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Ciel broke out into a huge smile, relief flooding through him at knowing his best friend was willing to be a part of this. Alois grinned as seeing how happy his response made the angel and he was certain that if it were possible, they would have been hugging right now. Instead of sharing the friendly embrace, the blonde moved on with business. "Ok, so tell me, what do I have to do?"

The night sky was clear, one of the clearest seen in a long, long time. Blue eyes rolled upward to take in the twinkling stars, their brilliance shining for all the world to see without any clouds to interrupt their performance. In turn, the temperature was cold and dark lashes blinked rapidly to ward off the icy air that accosted the moist orbs. A long, steady inhale was taken before a heavy sigh was released, the warm breath creating puffy white clouds of condensation in its wake.

Ciel turned his attention to the large, round moon and plump lips pressed together in a thin line as he forced himself to stop stargazing and focus on the matter at hand. Bundled up in a long wool coat and scarf wrapped snugly around his neck, the angel watched as Father Sutcliffe read aloud an incantation from a book and Undertaker circled the priest with incense a few feet away. Ciel took a deep breath, readying himself for what would have to happen next.

After researching and digging through Vincent's private library for nearly two days straight, the trio had finally found all the information they needed to summon a demon. While Ciel and Undertaker had ironed out the details of what they would need, Father Sutcliffe had been crafting and blessing various amulets that would protect the two holy men from being possessed and avoid repeating the process which had started this whole mess. In the end, they were as prepared as they ever were going to get and had set out for the designated location a few hours before midnight to begin the ritual.

Oddly enough, it was the same circular clearing in the woods which Ciel had encountered so many months ago during the Harvest Festival. There was something spiritual and powerful about that space and the angel and done a double take when all their research had pointed to that location as the best place to attempt a summoning. Narrowing his eyes now, Ciel watched as Undertaker finished with spreading around the stinky joke and set to work drawing a large pentagram in the freshly fallen snow.

Father Sutcliffe continued to read aloud, his nasally voice piercing into the young slayer's ears and starting to give him a migraine. However, Ciel ignored the pain as he waited for the pair to finish so that he could play his part in this divine production. He let his thoughts drift for a moment, wondering how things were going for Alois.

The spirit had been left in charge of keeping Sebastian occupied and distracted for the time being. It was bad enough that the demon was already suspicious and envious of his relationship with Father Spears and Ciel could only guess what his lover would do if he found out the risks they were taking to get the priest back. He just hoped that Alois was successful in his task and the angel would deal with the consequences of not telling Sebastian after Father Spears was safe and the demon destroyed.

A sharp whistle pulled Ciel from his musings, his head snapping up to see Undertaker grinning maniacally and waving for him to come over. It was time. Swallowing the nervousness that seemed determined to claw up from his stomach, the angel started walking in their direction; the pair now waiting patiently for him to arrive.

The sound of crunching snow beneath his boots thundered in his ears and Ciel unconsciously reached to grasp the handle of the Phantomhive sword hidden beneath the folds of his coat. The sturdy weapon felt good even though he prayed that he wouldn't have to use it this evening. He didn't want to physically harm the holy man who meant so much to him, but he also knew that the priest would not want to live that way; a shell for a being of evil. Ciel pushed the disturbing thoughts of what might have to transpire of they failed aside and instead concentrated on what was about to happen.

"Are you ready, little angel?" Undertaker asked, snickered madly as he stood next to Father Sutcliffe. Reaching into the satchel which hung at his side, the odd clergy man produced a talisman and handed it to Ciel. "Don't lose this. Kekekeke." He snickered, as the young man inspected the item. "We didn't want take any chances this time."

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