Chapter 42

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A lively happy tune floated through the air as Sebastian quickly strode up the stone steps of St. Victoria's. Dark ebony bangs flopped next to high cheekbones as he approached the large double doors, hands shoved into the pockets of his faded jeans. His heavy boots clacked on the floor of the ancient foyer as crimson eyes searched around for anyone who may be present this late in the day.

Sauntering down the aisle, Sebastian spied a few parishioners scattered throughout the pews, their heads bowed in deep reflection or prayer. The sight made the demon smirk, amused by the sheer ignorance of these people and how they had no clue how close in reality the world actually was to complete and utter destruction. In Sebastian's mind, they should be directing their worship towards Ciel, the one who was destined to save all of humanity from the ravages of Hell. Unfortunately, like with most saviors, their successes and sacrifices for the greater good usually went unnoticed by the masses.

As he approached the altar, he hummed quietly to himself, remembering the evening he and Ciel had almost fought to the death, but instead ended up making passionate love on the smooth marble. Sebastian had to force some composure as the erotic images resurfaced once more. Thankfully, the blond altar boy appeared, carrying a large stack of bibles that looked far too heavy for him to be handling.

"Oh, please, let me." Sebastian offered politely stepping towards the young man. Wide green eyes blinked at him from behind the tall pile and the boy shook his head. The demon moved away, giving him space to move around and place the books on the front row of pews.

"No, no, that is alright. I've got it." He explained, after having set them down. A wide thankful smile was given to the demon who arched an eyebrow at the youth; skeptical as to how someone so frail looking could possibly carry such a load. "I'm much stronger than I look." He grinned, answering the unspoken question. "You're Ciel's boyfriend, right?"

"I could be classified that way." Sebastian smirked, the term not at all accurate to define their connection. "And you're name is Finny, correct?" The altar boy nodded enthusiastically, thrilled that the man knew who he was. "Ah, yes, Ciel has mentioned you." He grinned as the innocent face lit up, the smell of such a simple and untouched soul wafting in his nostrils. "Tell me something; is Father Spears in this evening?"

"Yes, he is." Finny responded before his expression darkened a bit. "But, I don't think he wants to see anyone at the moment." Furrowing his brows at the demon. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you might already know that Father Spears has been a little off as of late." Sebastian watched as concern blossomed over the boy's face. "I think him refusing to see Ciel is a mistake." Finny's eyes darted around nervously, as if he was breaking some unknown rule by stating his opinion.

"Hmm, is that so?" Sebastian hummed, glancing at the side door which led to the back of the church which housed the sleeping quarters and offices of the priests. "Maybe I should have a word with the good Father on Ciel's behalf." He mumbled, taking a step around the young man in that direction.

Finny stared at Sebastian as he disappeared into the hallway. He should have tried harder to stop the man, knowing that Father Spears would not want to be disturbed; however, he just couldn't find it in himself when it was obvious that someone had to help mend the rift between Ciel and the priest.

He hung his head, staring at his fingers that nervously wound around each other in worry for his friend. "Good luck." Finny whispered so softly that no one heard him. "For all our sakes, good luck."

"Enter." The priest commanded, not bothering to look up from the accounting ledger he was attempting to balance. He scowled at the numbers that refused to add up no matter what he did and doubled his efforts in finding a way to make everything zero out. "I said, you may enter." He repeated in annoyance, louder and more forceful this time.

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