Chapter 35

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Silence enveloped the room; the air thick with tension as the blue eyed angel struggled for something to say at the order he had just been given. Father Spears pinned him with a serious stare, the emerald orbs behind the glasses stern and unrelenting in their decision. Even being laid up in bed and covered to the hips in blankets, the priest still managed to be an authoritative force, his lack of physical strength not hindering his ability to intimidate in the slightest.

Ciel swallowed thickly, his tongue dry as he sucked in a deep breath. He had been dreading this day for a long time now; the day when everything he had kept from the holy man would be revealed. No matter how many times he had played out the different scenarios in which it might happen, he knew he would never be fully prepared for it when the time came. In every instance, Ciel had imagined that he had told Father Spears his secrets, calmly explaining the why's and when's and how's. Never did he think that the clergyman would stumble upon the truth before he had a chance to say anything.

Now, as he stood there, palms sweating and heart pounding, the young man was at a loss for words. He had just been commanded by his spiritual advisor to kill the only person he had ever had an intimate connection with. The idea angered Ciel, burning away the guilt that washed over him from having lied to the priest all this time. Meeting the intense stare head-on, the angel square his shoulders and stood his ground.

"No." He breathed fiercely, the sound barely above a whisper, but no less assertive. "I will not lay a hand on Sebastian." The slayer reiterated, face resolute and unwavering. Father Spears's brow furrowed at the statement, expression incredulous as the angel argued with him.

"He is evil." The man shot back. "A demon; born from the bowels of Hell and serves the one who dares to defile our world." Father Spears reminded in a deathly quiet tone. "His master is the one who took your parents from you." The comment caused Ciel to flinch but he refused to falter in this exchange. "You of all people should be able to understand the pain and suffering Lucifer can inflict upon us in His attempt to tip the scales of Good and Evil. This, Michaelis demon is no diffe-"

"You don't even know him!" Ciel interjected, teeth grinding together in rage. His fists clenched at his sides as he tried to maintain some form of composure. Hearing about his parents' death only fanned the already hot flames burning inside him and he fought to stay calm and collected now. "Sebastian is not like that. He gave up his loyalty to Lucifer when he refused to kill me; when he told me he loved me."

"I don't need to know him!" The priest roared as icy green bore into the angel. "He is evil; pure and simple! They are not capable of love and trust or any other honest emotion! Demons cannot love!" Father Spears spat, the fury rolling off him making Ciel take a step back. The strong jaw clenched as fingers dug violently into the soft blankets at his waist. "I know this because I felt it." He hissed, the brown head bowing and shaking in shame. "I felt everything while that demon had my body." The holy man choked out and Ciel stood frozen, unsure of what to do or say.

Silence hung between them, heavy and tense as neither knew how to break it. Ciel licked his lips nervously, watching warily as the man slowly started to calm down. When it seemed like his breathing had returned to normal, the angel cleared his throat; if he didn't say something, who knows how long they would be in this stalemate?

"I know." He admitted respectfully, casting a look to the ground in reverence. Father Spears raised his head and swallowed hard, his hands still gripping the duvet as if he was afraid it might disappear if he didn't. Ciel paused before speaking again. "I know what happened to you was horrible and I am sorry that I couldn't stop it or think of a way to save you sooner." He admitted sincerely, glancing up to meet the sharp eyes that watched him carefully.

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