Chapter 40

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Ciel stood in front of the small one-story house, frowning as he eyed the piece of scrap paper in his hand. Behind him idled the expensive sedan, Bard waiting patiently to see if they were planning on staying. The gruff blond slumped in the driver's seat chewing on the unlit cigarette between his lips with the usual nonchalance. Glancing at the paper once more, the Ciel sighed and turned to stare up at Sebastian.

"Well, this is definitely the place." He mumbled, glancing skeptically at the rundown exterior again. The demon seemed oddly at ease now as they stood in the middle of nowhere, the directions have being given to them by Mister Agni a few days prior.

Apparently after much research on the Hindu priest's part, the exotic man and Soma had uncovered something of value that would aid Ciel in his quest. What that was exactly still remained a mystery to the angel, but had been assured that this excursion out into the country would be worth their while. However, standing here now, Ciel was beginning to have his doubts.

"Not the most picturesque. What do you make of it?" Ciel queried, tilting his head to the side.

"Seems like the perfect place to hide something of value." He hummed, garnet orbs surveying the dense woods that surrounded them. The only sign of civilization here was the shabby little structure in front of them and the bumpy dirt road they had driven in on. "Remote, inconspicuous, uninviting, much like the home of serial killer." Sebastian flashed a brilliant smile at Ciel, who just snorted at the bad joke.

Taking a deep breath, the angel laced his fingers through the demon's and started forward. "Might as well knock on the door and see if anybody's home." He reasoned as they approached the poorly maintained porch.

Climbing the decrepit wooden steps, they were careful not to land on any floorboards that looked so warped they might snap under their weight. Stopping at the rickety screen and worn front door, Ciel paused for a moment to read the welcome mat. He frowned as he took in the faded lettering, wondering if maybe he should have brought a rifle with him.

"'Don't Tread on Me'." The angel recited aloud, instantly recognizing the Gadsden Flag. The fibers on it were washed-out, but he could still easily make out the bold black lettering underneath the picture of a rattlesnake coiled with its forked tongue flicking. "Huh, guess he's a Tea Party kinda guy." Ciel murmured.

"Shall we?" Sebastian inquired, waiting for a nod of agreement before raising a hand and rapping the back of his knuckles sharply against the door frame. Silence followed and he repeated his actions again, this time mush harder and with more force than really necessary.

Shuffling footsteps could be heard on the inside and it was obvious was that someone was home after all. They grew louder as they came closer, a quiet grumbling joining them. Oddly, Ciel looked at Sebastian, the two of them having the same thought as it seemed the person was speaking to others and not alone, however only one set of footsteps was heard.

The heavy clink of locks being slid out of place sounded through the door; one, two, three, four. Ciel glanced once more at Sebastian, the demon curious as well as to why whoever lived here felt the need to have so many security measures when they were already located so far away from the city. Any criminal out here would never even bothered looking for something of value in this poor excuse for a home. When the last was removed, the doorknob began to turn and the pair steeled themselves for the inhabitant to reveal himself.

Slowly, the whitewashed door swung inward to expose ivory hued hair over a pale forehead peeking out. The owner carefully peered out, golden eyes blinking rapidly at the bright spring sunlight. Ciel leaned forward a little, cautious and calmly as he got the feeling the young man was very shy and nervous about strangers showing up on his doorstep in the middle of the day.

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