Chapter 12

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After evening mass had ended and Father Lau finished bidding farewell to each parishioner who chose to have a word with him, it was almost 11 PM. Sister Mao and Brother Spears hurried about the pews placing bibles and hymnals back into their respective shelves, while picking up various pieces of garbage that people had so graciously left behind. It wasn't until the last gum wrapper was thrown away, that the young seminary noticed how late it had become.

Stretching long arms over his head and huffing, Spears heard a low pop in his back from being bent over so long. He sighed happily at the feeling of the muscular tension diminishing; fingers combing through his brown hair as he tried to make himself look more presentable. Standing upon the platform where the pulpit was situated; emerald orbs snapped towards church's entrance where two voices were heard resonating from the facade. It was in this moment that William T. Spears first laid eyes on Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive.

The couple strode past the large double doors and down the center aisle; hand in hand and laughing over something one of them had said. Vincent stood tall next to his wife; inky bangs framing his handsome face as warm chocolate eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. Rachel's blonde head brushed just past her husband's broad shoulder; cobalt blue orbs sparkling bright with joy as a perfect bow-shaped mouth laughed in such a way that could only be described as melodious. The two truly were a vision of happiness and love to behold; their mutual affection for one another something people only read in story books.

"Lau!" Vincent called out, grinning as the priest turned at the sound of his name. Rachel giggled as her husband pulled her along to stop at the bottom of the small steps leading up to the altar. "It's good to see you, Father." He remarked, wrapping a long arm around his beloved wife's slim waist.

"Ah, Vincent." Father Lau stated with a broad smile, descending the raised area to give them a proper greeting. Reaching out to firmly shake the man's hand, "Always the punctual one, aren't you?" He remarked, earning a chuckle in response. "And Rachel, you look lovely as ever." He complimented, opening his arms wide as she stepped forward to accept the gracious hug.

"Father Lau, it's been far too long." Rachel smiled, releasing the embrace to once again stand at her husband's side. Spears watched from a few feet away, how the pair would glance at one another; their eyes lingering as if they were having a private conversation between them.

"Yes, yes! A pleasure as always!" The Asian priest agreed happily before furrowing his brow. "But where is the little guest of honor? Don't tell me he is trying convince some of the Sisters into giving him more Communion wafers again?" The trio had a quick laugh at the memory from only last year.

"No, no. Ciel is well aware now that those are not free cookies." Vincent reassured, chuckling as he waved a dismissive hand in the air. "He is at home with Angelina this evening." Father Lau looked surprised at this information and the man grinned as he leaned in to whisper, "we told him that mommy and daddy had some business to attend to and that if he was a good boy he would get a surprise when we returned." Vincent winked. "No doubt, Ciel is on his very best behavior this evening." A smile spread over the priest's face at the deal; still wishing that they had brought along their only son for the traditional visit to the church on his birthday.

"Oh? And what would that be?" The Father mused out loud, watching as Vincent and Rachel exchanged another secretive look. "Come now. Don't make an old man wait!" He begged, giving them a pouting look. Nibbling on a plump lower lip, Rachel took a small step forward.

"Well, Father Lau, there are two reasons we came without Ciel tonight." She began slowly, fidgeting with long manicured fingers as she shyly looked up. "The first you already know about, however the second might come as a surprise." Rachel took a deep breath as she dropped her hands to press them flat against her belly. "We wanted you to be one of the first to know about the new life that God has so graciously blessed upon us." A delicate pink blush dusted the swell of her cheeks as she let the meaning of her statement sink in to all those present.

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