Chapter 17

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"Ow. OW! Dammit!" Ciel cursed, scrunching up his face as a sharp needle pierced the fleshy part of his earlobe. He sat on the chair in the middle of Father Spears's office, fingers digging into the wooden seat in attempt to deal with the pain of being impaled by hot metal. "God, really!" He complained loudly, hissing as the spike was quickly removed and something new was slipped into its place.

"Quit being such a brat." Father Sutcliff huffed, standing back to admire his handiwork. The red head pushed the ruby framed glasses further up his nose and hummed in approval of what he saw. "Perfect! They are exactly aligned just right! Go have a look." He commanded, stepping aside so the student could get up before glancing over his shoulder to shoot Father Spears a wide smirk. "See, William. I told you I could do this."

The senior priest rolled green eyes at his flamboyant colleague, wanting to reprimand the informal use of his name, but deciding against it as he wasn't in the mood to have that particular argument again. Spears stood from behind his desk and left the large book he had been reading to take a place beside Father Sutcliff. Crossing black clothed arms over his chest, the man leaned back into his heel to watch Ciel observe his reflection in the small wall mirror.

"It's good to know you can actually do something correctly." The Father muttered towards the flashy clergy man while keeping his gaze locked onto the back of the slate head. "Let's hope it doesn't get infected." An offended huff was made at the comment and Father Sutcliff pouted as he mumbled something about see-if-I-ever-do-another-favor-for-you in a hurt tone.

Ciel turned his head to the left and then the right, tilting his chin upwards; the leftover rays of the setting sun peeking through the windows and sparkling in the deep royal blue settings. He mulled over his reflection, smiling to himself at the simple fact that he now had his ears pierced; something that Ciel would have never imagined doing in a million years. Then again, if someone had told the young man a year ago that he would discover he was descended from a long line of angelic warriors and humanity's last line of defense against the scourges of Hell, he wouldn't have believed that either. Funny how things can change so quickly and now, practically anything seemed possible to him.

"Soooo, what's the story behind these again?" Ciel asked, taking one last look before turning around to face the two robed figures watching him from a few feet away. He smothered a chuckle at the dichotomy of the pair; one stern and serious, the other gleeful and effervescent. "I mean, I like them, I really do," he affirmed, flicking one of the posts with a finger, "but they're earrings and as we all know, I'm not a girl." Ciel finished, waiting patiently for an answer. Much to his surprise, it was Father Sutcliff who spoke first.

"Don't you know anything about the spiritual significance of gems?" The redhead demanded, looking terribly offended when the young man shook his head. The gaudy priest let out a long exasperated groan; the back of his hand smacking against his forehead in a dramatic fashion. "Why must everyone around me be an amateur?" He whined, fanning his face with his other hand as to ward off a fainting spell.

Ciel gave Father Spears a poignant glare as if to say 'Really? And you let that guy near me with a sharp object just now' to which the priest just shrugged his shoulders. Once again, the student wondered how in the world Father Sutcliff became a priest in the first place and one that knew all about his secretive duties to boot. Rolling his eyes, Ciel resigned himself to having to deal with the obnoxious man and set about trying to move the conversation along as quickly as possible.

"Oh, Father Sutcliff." He called out sweetly; the flaming red head stopping everything to give attention to the charming tone. "Would you please, please educate me in this area for which I am so severely lacking?" Long dark lashes fluttered over large pleading blue orbs at the priest who smiled slightly at the question. "I would so appreciate your infinite wisdom on the subject." Ciel pouted, embarrassed at having to revert to an adorable five year old to get what he wanted right now.

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