Chapter 4

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Finally, after what seemed like hours, Lizzie spoke. "So, Dagger was drooling? Huh." She mused a loud and Ciel relaxed a little as he saw the tension leave her body. "Well, what do you know? He can handle a sword and he has good taste in women." Lizzie shrugged, as she came to the conclusion that maybe the senior wasn't so bad after all. "Alright, I guess one date can't hurt." She confessed before adding quickly, "But don't think I'm not still angry about how this all happened. You owe me, Phantomhive." She glared, a tiny hint of amusement behind her emerald irises.

"Yeah, whatever." Ciel snorted, rolling his eyes. "Just put it on my tab." He paused before giving an afterthought. "Or better yet," he said sweetly, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I'll just get you a really nice gift when you two get married." Ciel laughed as he ducked out of the way as Lizzie lunged at him, grabbing his backpack and making a run for it across the courtyard from the annoyed blonde.

Lizzie chased after him, making a plethora of promises of all the horrible things she was going to do once she caught him. Ciel lengthened his stride, making sure to keep ahead of her at all times while yelling over his shoulder ridiculous suggestions for her possible nuptials.

Sebastian chuckled to himself as he walked away from the confrontation between Ciel and his friend. The little bit he had been told about Lizzie only reinforced his desire to not stand around and witness her anger being focused on his boyfriend. Ciel could take care of himself against the determined blonde female and he was sure he would hear the entire story when they met up later.

A small smile played on his lips in anticipation of getting to spend more time with Ciel. Sebastian was surprised how much he enjoyed talking and being with the student. The warmth that seeped throughout his body whenever he thought about Ciel or the way his heart skipped a beat when those deep blue eyes would gaze into his own puzzled him somewhat; however, he ignored the odd physical reactions in favor of basking the pleasant emotions some more.

"Oh! Hey, you!" A squeaky voice shouted his way, breaking Sebastian's thought process and making him stop to turn around. "You, yes!" The nun called, running down the church steps in his direction. She gripped the long black skirts in one hand to avoid tripping as she came to a stop in front of the man, breathing heavily. "You're, Sebastian Michaelis, correct?" She managed to get out; the graduate arching an eyebrow and nodding.

"Yes." He answered slowly, sizing up the small holy sister. Even though the white wimple covered most of her head, mauve hair peeked out from beneath the fabric and she adjusted her large circular glasses as if to get a better look at him. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of being run down by such a lovely young lady?" Sebastian smirked wickedly as she blushed at the flirtation.

"I, um, I," She fumbled, looking down to fidget with her rosary. "Father Spears would like to have a talk with you." Glass-hidden eyes came back to meet curious garnet and she blushed harder at the amused look on the handsome man's face. "If you would please follow me. He is in the cathedral at the moment." She turned to walk back the church and Sebastian followed, shoving his hands in his pockets and whistling a light tune.

He casually took in the sight of the old architecture and stained glass as the entered the nave, making their way down the long aisle that ended in front of the raised pulpit and alter. He had not been back here since the day he had ambushed Ciel and asked the young man out for coffee. Sebastian was actually a little more than intrigued as to what the head priest would want with him and he welcomed the challenge of having a discussion with the holy man.

"Father?" The nun asked as they approached the altar where a man stood over a large text, intently reading whatever lay within the pages. He looked up, taking in the sight of the two figures a few steps down from him. "This is Sebastian Michaelis, sir." She introduced, folding her slim hands together in her lap. The clergy man nodded, narrowing his eyes as he scanned over the tall figure next to his petite subordinate.

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