Chapter 20

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Ciel walked slowly down the hallway, thumbing through the yellowed, old pages of the book to see hand written notes scribbled within the text and pictures. The multitude of information hidden within was priceless and the prospect of getting to read it made him excited; however, that joy quickly dissipated as the memory of what he was going to have to do resurfaced. He didn't want to test his theory, but the logical student in him knew it was the only way to quell the building anxiety, and Ciel calmed his nerves by telling himself the sooner it was done the sooner he could write off his fears as just being paranoid.

Leaving the church, he reached into his back pocket, grabbing for the smart phone that now buzzed incessantly in his pants. A happy grin broke out over his face as he read the text message from Alois; the blonde wanting to see if his best friend was around during the week for lunch. Swiftly tapping back a reply that he was indeed available, Ciel waited for a response and smiled at the thought of having a meal with Alois. It had been far too long since they had hung out and he knew that if nothing else, an afternoon with the exuberant drama student would make him forget his dilemma, if only for a little while.

"You know, I can't decide what I like more; bacon or butter." Alois mused out loud as he took another huge bite of the cheesy, meaty mess that was his burger. Munching happily on the greasy concoction, he hummed as he placed it on the plate in favor of reaching for his soda. "I mean, really, they are both just so good that it's almost a sin to have to choose." Ciel chuckled and shoved a ketchup drenched fry into his mouth.

He thought for a moment, happy to be spending some time with his best friend and talking about simple things like which form of saturated fat tasted better. It was a nice change from the more serious thoughts that had been consuming his time for the past 72 hours. Just about every waking moment was spent thinking of ways to test his theory involving Sebastian and he now felt like he had a proper plan in place which he could execute with reasonable ease. Although, regardless of what his instincts were telling him, Ciel was still gripping tightly to the hope that he was wrong about all of it and that his suspicions were solely based on paranoia and nothing else.

"Well, you can butter bacon, but not bacon butter." Ciel argued simply, liberally applying more malt vinegar to the battered cod in the plastic basket. Taking a quick bite, "Technically that makes butter more versatile and clearly the superior choice of condiment to any meal." He grinned at his logic, snickering at how serious Alois looked as he chewed over the thought.

"But you can bacon things just like buttering them. It's called baconing." The blonde informed, arching an eyebrow to which Ciel shook his head.

"That's not a word, Alois." He refuted, returning the poignant look being given his way. "You can't just stick an -ing at the end of a noun and make it into a verb." Ciel explained, using his friend known as logic once again to prove his point. "It's bad grammar."

"Doesn't matter." Alois continued, determined to win this debate no matter what. "If you add bacon to something, you are in reality baconing it." Leaning back in his chair, he crossed thin arms over his chest and grinned smugly. "Therefore, bacon and butter are multifaceted and at the same level of usage when paring with other foods." They just stared at one another for a minute before they both burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the conversation.

"Good to see you've been using your thesaurus throughout the break." Ciel joked as their merriment died down and they went back to finishing their food. "Now, if only you can retain some of that for the start of the next semester, you might stand a chance of graduating this year." He teased mercilessly, laughing as he ducked out of the way of a flying fry aimed for his head.

"Well, excuse me if some of us don't consider book smarts to be the only valuable skill worth acquiring." He sniffed, flicking another fried potato stick at his friend who was starting to become annoyed at being used for target practice. "But there are other things of more importance that require my attention." Alois giggled, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

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