Chapter 26

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Blue eyes stared up at the clear night sky, the stars having all come out to play and light up the darkness with their twinkling brilliance. Ciel sighed, his breath coming out in white puffs against the cold air as he continued on the path that would take him on the final lap around the campus. Heavy boots crunched quietly upon the packed snow and the hefty folds of his dark wool coat flapped near his ankles; the feel of the Phantomhive sword pressing against his hip a comfort.

Oddly enough, it had been his Aunt Angelina who had suggested that Ciel swap out his short pea coat for something warmer and albeit longer. The wool trench had seemed to be the perfect choice as it offered both the protection he needed from the harsh winter elements, but also concealed the long blade that the angel almost never went anywhere without anymore. Ciel now considered the sword a true extension of himself, like an arm or a leg and he planned to always have it close by so never again would an innocent victim suffer at the hand of an evil being without having to answer to him. Alois's death still wore heavy on Ciel's mind and he used it now as the motivation in his mission as he trudged through the frigid night.

"Captain's log, Star date 041081." He mumbled to himself as he rounded the corner that would lead him past the church. "We have completed yet another investigation of the area known as St. Victoria's University and have found no intelligent life to speak of." A grin spread over his face and he chuckled at the silly game he was playing with himself; saddened by the fact at how the only other person who would have found his humor amusing was no longer with him. "Nope, none whatsoever."

Passing the cathedral, Ciel stopped for a moment and gazed up at the ancient structure. Sebastian would be waiting for him in a nice warm bed at home, probably naked. The image of his lover sprawled out on top of the mattress, the pale skin bathed in moonlight and ebony hair splayed out over the sheets made the young man's cock twitch and he suddenly wanted to get home as soon as possible. However, instead making his way back to the Phantomhive Estate where his fantasy could become reality, Ciel strode up the church steps and opened the double doors to enter the quiet space. There had been something he had been wanting to do and now seemed like as good a time as any.

Ciel tread softly over the stone floors, happy to be out of the cold and taking in the soft glow of lit wall sconces and other candles throughout the area. The church was open to the public at all hours of the night; however, most of clergy were asleep by now, their living quarters set further back within building. Still, even though it was highly unlikely that Ciel would wake anybody, he walked carefully and considerately up to the pulpit, keeping his footfalls as light as possible.

Taking off his coat, he placed it over the armrest of the first pew and removed his sword to lay on the seat of the wooden bench. Curious eyes glanced up at the large oak crucifix that hung above the choir pit, the exact same cross in which his father had been impaled on by Satan. In an effort to keep from being overwhelmed by powerful emotions of loss, Ciel quickly looked away to have his sight go directly to the white marble altar and his face heated up instantly.

Memories of what he and Sebastian had done on that table resurfaced and once again he felt his length stiffen. Ciel groaned lightly at his overactive libido, wondering if maybe he should just scrap the idea that made him come into the church in the first place and attempt it on a night when he wasn't so ready for some action. Shaking slate locks to remove the carnal thoughts, he forced himself back to his original plan and kneeled on the steps in front of the pulpit.

Placing flat palms together and steepling fingers against his chest, Ciel took a deep calming breath as he remembered the last time he had come to the church to pray like this. It had been to ask God for guidance about what to do when he found out Sebastian was actually a demon; this time though, he wanted to speak to Alois. Rolling his eyes upwards, he gazed at the high vaulted ceilings and imagined he was actually staring at Heaven as he began.

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