Chapter 11

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Pale yellow candlelight cast a soft glow throughout the dark room; the only source of illumination other than the small window positioned near the old door. The wicks were placed around the circular space methodically in iron holders or silver tapers to ensure that the most light possible would be emitted since there wasn't any electricity in the enduring place of worship.

Father Spears clacked his tongue in annoyance as he stood at the aged table in the center of the space, bending over to squint at the tiny Latin text in the yellowing pages of the ancient book. The candle next to him flickered dimly and he chanced a look out the window to notice that the sun had set finally. The lack of natural light would be a hindrance to his search for the rest of the evening and he sighed in frustration at having to stop for now.

The priest had been holed up in the tiny room of the chapel almost all day, researching the past recordings of the clergymen who had guided the previous generations of the Phantomhive bloodline. The writings dated back for centuries and their accounts were kept stored here in the recesses of the small church for safe keeping; however as thorough as the priests had been in their scribbling's, the Father still had not found what he was looking for. Standing up, he closed the heavy volume and hefted it up, placing it back in its spot on the dusty bookshelves that lined the walls.

"Nothing." He growled lowly at having found nothing concerning an early transformation into one's angelic state. Every one of the Demon Slayers, including Vincent, had evolved on their 21st birthday at the stroke of midnight as they had been predestined to by the Book of Salvation. Which meant that Ciel having transitioned before his time was, in fact, unusual. Something had triggered it and set things into motion, but the answer as to what that was still remained a mystery.

Initially, Father Spears had thought the catalyst to be sexual activity, but it couldn't be something as innocuous as that. Sex was something natural and even though he as a holy man had taken a vow of celibacy, he understood the needs and desires of human beings to participate in such activities. No, it had to have been something much more powerful than just the need to satisfy a carnal desire; simple lust and passion weren't enough to hasten a prophecy set into place by God himself. A familiar suspicion crept back into his mind of a person who the priest just could not seem to write off; Sebastian Michaelis.

He grit his teeth as he recalled the last time he had encountered the graduate student in the church back on campus. Sebastian was trouble, there was no doubt about it; yet, what sort of power could a young man like that possibly possess? And if he did, then what exactly was he? Father Spears snorted as the questions that kept running circles in his mind. There wasn't anything here in this collection of books that would help him figure that out. All the texts pertaining to evil and Satan were useless at this point.

He sighed heavily in frustration as he realized that the answer to Ciel's early transformation might run far deeper than he ever could have imagined. The Father needed to dig further than just the handwritten notes and stories of the clergymen; for that though, he required the texts pertaining to Hell's history which were located in his office at St. Victoria's church. Quickly, he began to make a mental list of the volumes he would check when a soft knock at the door broke his concentration.

"Enter." Spears answered loudly; green eyes peering over his spectacles at a mop of slate colored hair that popped in through the now open door. A curious glance was given as Ciel entered the room with a sheepish look on his face. "What are you do you need, Ciel? Shouldn't you be spending time with the others?" He asked in a dull tone.

"They're all getting ready for bed." He answered, before taking another step in and immediately surveying the expanse of old books lining the walls. "Wow, I had no idea this was back here." Ciel breathed in awe, turning in a circle to take everything in. Honestly, the chapel looked so small from the outside that the fact that there was another room hidden away was amazing in itself. "What is all this?" He inquired, stepping up to one of the shelves and gingerly running the tips of his fingers over the worn bindings.

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