Chapter 8

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Alois blinked a few times as sleep began to fade away from his mind; the room starting to come into focus in a horizontal view from where he slept. It took a moment, but he quickly realized that what he was looking at was not his own bedroom and he bolted upright on the loveseat to as he tried to piece together his whereabouts. Memories from the previous evening flooded into his mind and his eyes locked instantly onto a sleeping Ciel only a few feet away on the double bed in the center of the room.

Amazed aquamarine scanned over the lithe body that rested peacefully on its stomach; his best friend's head turned facing him with a calm expression. Ciel's arms were curled up under him, bare of any clothing, while his lower half was still dressed in the jeans from the night before and partially covered by a thick blanket. Alois titled his head to the side as his gaze continued to roam curiously over the most interesting and prominent feature on the student's body; the large white wings.

The new additions to Ciel's physique protruded from between his shoulder blades, arching up before bowing gracefully down to hang off the sides of the bed. Long primary feathers gently swept the wooden floors as ivory secondary quills filled in the rest of the wings' expanse. Alois gazed longingly at the way they shimmered slightly in the soft morning light; wondering if the wings felt as soft as they looked from afar. Ciel murmured inaudibly and wiggled a bit in his sleep; his new appendages seeming to move with the same ease as his arms or legs.

Nibbling on his lower lip, Alois slipped off the small couch and padded over to the bedside. Kneeling next to the mattress, he carefully reached out and stroked the top of Ciel's wing, marveling at the downy texture. He held his breath and waited to see if his actions had disturbed his best friend's rest, but when nothing happened, he gathered up some more courage and trailed his fingertips all the way down to the glossy edges.

"So soft." He whispered in awe as long white feather slipped effortlessly through his fingers. Alois glanced up to Ciel's back, noticing how the area from which the wings had sprung was now completely healed and free of any remaining blood. He thought back to how Finnian had washed and disinfected the gashes after they had reached Father Spears's quarters and took a moment to observe the room they had slept it in.

It was a decent size with large windows bordered by dark heavy curtains meant to keep the bright daylight out if necessary. Bookcases filled with numerous volumes of texts sat on either side of the medium sized bed and nightstands. A large wardrobe stood near the door with a full length mirror attached outside the ornate wood. It was what one might expect from a person who had devoted his life wholly to his religion; simple and practical.

Alois's attention snapped back as Ciel smacked his mouth and yawned slightly, his body fidgeting a bit as if it were trying to decide whether to wake up or not. The blonde smirked as he watched his friend grumble in his light slumber and hummed as he made the choice for him. Extending a hand, Alois leaned over the bed and poked a plump cheek repeatedly until a low growl of annoyance was voiced.

"Gahh, stop it." Ciel complained, batting at the intrusive digit with his hand and hearing a familiar giggle in response. "God, Alois! You are so annoying." He whined, eyes still shut tightly as he snuggled into the pillow a bit more. "I didn't sleep well, so leave me alone." Ciel hissed before grumbling, "I had the craziest nightmare." Alois's ears perked up at the statement, an idea suddenly occurring to him that maybe his friend didn't actually remember what all had happened last night.

His mind raced through the possibility that Ciel believed everything to have been a dream which would definitely explain his relaxed demeanor this morning when any other normal person would have been freaking out. Alois's gaze slid over the white wings, chewing nervously on the inside of his cheek as he tried to come up with a way of informing his best friend that his supposed dreams were actually reality. Sucking in a deep breath, he prepared himself for what was bound to be one hell of a conversation.

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