Chapter 29

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Wide blue eyes stared into glistening crimson as a small mouth flapped open and closed nervously without a sound. Ciel waited with bated breath as the handsome face studied him intently, like a raven watching its prey from a far and deciding the best angle at which to strike. Sebastian tightened his arm around the small waist, pulling their bodies closer together as his nose hovered only an inch away from the student's. Dropping the claim the demon had on the slim wrist, he reached up and cupped the small jaw gently.

"It was the priest. I can smell him." Sebastian whispered, tilting Ciel's head back as he leaned in closer and ran the tip of his nose along the side of the slender throat. "Here, he touched you here." He hummed, growling lowly at the scent of another man's saliva on the neck that was supposed to be his and his alone. "He dirtied this delicate spot with his want and desire." Ciel whined and shut his eyes as Sebastian lazily dragged a moist, warm tongue across the area.

Light kisses peppered the angel's sensitive skin, every touch purposeful in its intent as it erased any evidence of the holy man's caress on the young slayer. Like a mother cat cleaning her kittens, Sebastian was determined to make it very clear to whom Ciel belonged to, especially the young man himself. Demons were jealous creatures by nature, territorial of their victims, and he was no different. If anything, Sebastian was even more so since he no longer viewed the angel as a meal, but as a part of his very being and he fought to control his temper as he lavished the exposed throat with affection.

"He-ahhh, he didn't-mmmmhh, mean it." Ciel managed to get out as that talented mouth sucked hard right on the sensitive spot beneath his ear. Thin arms were flung around broad shoulders, pressing their bodies together and grinding hips in one another. "I-it was the demon." He whimpered as sharp teeth bite down over the large vein in his neck.

Ciel really wasn't in the mood to do anything intimate at the moment, his mind too preoccupied with other important things. However, he would be lying if he said that Sebastian wasn't great at distracting him from his problems with devilish and erotic tactics such as the ones he was using now. Still, Ciel didn't want to be doing this as he was exhausted mentally and emotionally from the situation earlier and it took all his strength and willpower to push the very arousing demon off his person.

"Ahh, come on. Cut it out." Ciel requested softly, placing flat palms against the firm chest and pushing Sebastian back. The long arm fell away from his waist and the pair stood still for a moment, both panting slightly from where things had been heading until the young man had stopped everything so suddenly. "I told you before; I am just not feeling it right now." He explained, letting his hands slid down Sebastian's torso and falling to his sides. "I can't do this when all I can think about is-gahhh!"

Ciel screeched in shock as he was forcefully jerked forward, face almost slamming into the glowering one that pinned him with a serious look. Sebastian's strong fingers twisted into the fabric of the young man's shirt, anger evident in his expression as garnet burned into cobalt. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Ciel wondered how it was possible that he had managed to be manhandled by two different demons in one day; however, he was almost certain that escape was next to impossible this time around.

"Himmmm?" Sebastian inquired, drawing out the last consonant into a quiet hiss. Ciel opened his mouth to argue the theory, but the man was faster. "Of course, who else?" Cocking his head to the side, he studied the angel with a deadly calm. "I wonder what he did to you that demands so much of your attention even now." He hummed.

"Stop it! Stop right this instant, Sebastian!" Ciel spat irately, small fingers flying up and wrapping around the strong wrists in an attempt to loosen their hold. The small brow furrowed in anger, his patience having reached its limit. "You are being unreasonable and ridiculous! Father Spears was possessed when he-", Ciel slammed his mouth shut so quickly the snapping sound echoed between them and the silence that followed was even more deafening.

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