Chapter 21

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"You're not eating." A smooth voice observed keenly, eying the untouched meat and vegetables across from him. "Aren't you hungry? You made this nice meal, after all, and it is quite tasty, if I must say so." Placing a forkful of braised beef into his mouth and chewing; Sebastian hummed his approval.

Ciel glanced up, knowing that he was acting strange despite constantly reminding himself to do otherwise. Almost all his trepidation had disappeared when he first laid eyes on the graduate after answering the door. Verbal greetings were set aside in favor of a quick kiss and tight hug; one that Ciel had chosen to linger in longer than necessary and had Sebastian chuckling at the way his lover clung so frantically to him.

However, as they made their way into the dining area and the meal was served, the business major felt the anxiety of what he was attempting to do bubble up from the pit of his stomach and now was finding it hard to concentrate on anything else. Ciel knew he had to act normal and refusing to eat the delicious smelling meal he had prepared was going to raise a red flag. He could feel the heavy weight of Sebastian's gaze upon him and cut a piece of meat to feed himself.

"Mmmm, yeah, it came out great." Ciel commented while munching away, although not really tasting it. Relief flooded through him temporarily when Sebastian seemed satisfied by the action and he went back to eating some more. "I don't cook often, but learned out of necessity. My aunt isn't exactly Julia Child, you know." He forced a smile at his joke, trying to keep the mood light.

"Well, she's a doctor and was busy raising you. So, I can see where she might not have had time for the more traditional female duties." Sebastian acknowledged, setting down his utensils and smirking. "But she did a fine job grooming her nephew." He winked, making Ciel's face heat up at the compliment. "Still a shy, innocent little thing, even after all we've done to together." Sebastian mused aloud, chuckling at how the redness intensified on the soft cheeks.

Blue eyes averted to the floor, fiercely trying to cool his flaming face. Ciel nibbled nervously into his lower lip before taking a split second to glance at the still full water glass next to Sebastian's plate. His hand unconsciously moved to brush over the blessed dagger Father Spears had given him currently taped underneath the table.

Ciel had been torn whether or not to bring a weapon to dinner, once again feeling guilty for even entertaining the idea that Sebastian could be soldier of Hell at all. However, the feel of the worn leather handle and smooth cool blade gave him a small comfort and he couldn't deny that. Regardless of whatever logic in his mind had justified the action, Ciel loathed that fact that he was having to any of this in the first place.

"Yeah, well, you didn't too bad a job of raising yourself either." He replied, searching the man's face as he mulled over the accolade. Ciel waited impatiently for a hue of pink to dust the strong cheekbones, but it never came. Sebastian didn't blush; had no embarrassment to anything, it seemed like he had no shame whatsoever. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, the young man grumbled and watched as long fingers curled around the base of a glass.

Ciel sucked in a deep breath; blue eyes widening and heart pounding in anticipation as Sebastian lifted it from the table and towards his face. This was it; the moment that he had been waiting for and he prayed fervently that the outcome would be the one he hoped for and not the one which he been filling him with dread for a while now. Ciel furrowed his brow at the tension and his fists clenched together tightly on the edge of his seat as the seconds ticked past; sights set solely on the closing distance between the fated glassware and his boyfriend's lips.

"You know, I wish I had gotten to know my parents." Sebastian commented, placing the glass back down. Ciel huffed silently in disappointment; his body deflating at the rush of adrenaline seeped away. The man sat back, a contemplative look in his blood red eyes. "They might have been decent, although, I'm highly doubt that." He elaborated thoughtfully, making Ciel's head snap up in surprise. "And it's not like I ever had any other family to tell me about them. Maybe that is a good thing. I can imagine them however I wish." Garnet locked onto astonished cobalt as the graduate shrugged.

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