Chapter 14

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Ciel trailed behind the long dark robes; the only sound the pair's footsteps that clicked onto the stone floor as they made their way down the long hallway. They were heading to what the young man could only assume was the basement because it was an area of the church he had never been before, as well as they had already descended two flights of stairs. He kept his eyes cast onto the floor, not really knowing what to say since the priest had caught him making out with Sebastian in the courtyard earlier when he was supposed to have been meeting up with the holy man like was originally planned.

Ciel stopped short suddenly and narrowly missed crashing into Father Spears's back as they ceased their walking to stand in front of a door. The priest turned around, training stern gaze on the student who now took a step back. Ciel fidgeted with his hands, averting his eyes as to not have to look his spiritual advisor in the face. The older man clacked his tongue while shaking his head in frustration at the meek actions being displayed to him.

"Ciel." He spoke; blue orbs flicking up to meet him. "I understand that you have a personal life, but you also have a duty to fulfill to our Lord and Savior. A lineage passed onto you by your father." The priest reminded firmly. "The fewer people who are privy to your secret the safer you will be, so I suggest that you think long and hard about who you keep company with." Arching an eyebrow and giving a poignant look, Ciel blushed and nodded begrudgingly.

Directing his attention to the door, the priest opened it and paused to look back over his shoulder. "Also, you might want to prepare yourself for what you are about to see. It won't be pretty." Ciel swallowed hard at the warning, both curious and apprehensive now as to what it was they would be doing. Taking a deep breath, he followed the clergy man through the doorway; shutting it behind him.

Pondering eyes scanned over the room, taking in the dim light peeking out from behind the tattered curtains on high placed windows. The air smelled musty with a somewhat acrid bite that made Ciel wrinkle his nose, snorting a little to get rid of the scent. Following Father Spears, they crossed the space, circling around a long table in the center with a white sheet draped over it. The young man strained his eyes in an attempt to make out the various lumps under the thick fabric, but quickly turned his attention to the priest who had seemingly found interest with some upright coffins leaning against the far wall.

"Undertaker?" Father Spears called out, his strong voice bouncing off the damp stone interior. "Undertaker?" He tried again, brows knitting together in annoyance at having to repeat himself. Lifting a hand, he rapped loudly on the dark coffin, the wood rattling with each strike. "Come out here, you crazy loon! We don't have time for your silly games!" The priest yelled, patience having finally wore thin and he grumbled quietly under his breath.

"Kekekekeke!" Echoed loudly and Ciel spun around quickly, looking for the origin of the sound. "Kekekekeke!" The eerie laugh continued, putting the young man more on edge. Ciel's body automatically tensed, his senses reaching out in search of danger. "Good to see you too, William." The raspy voice snickered from behind a bookshelf and two sets of eyes swung in that vicinity.

Out stepped a tall figure clad completely in black except for a long white apron tied around a slim waist. Straight silver hair hung down the mysterious man's back, the strands held together by a rubber band at the nape of his neck. Long bangs hid his forehead and eyes; however, a wide toothy grin was displayed for all to see as he made his way over to them. Thick black rubber gloves covered his hands, reaching all the way past the man's elbows and he held them up in front of him like a surgeon who had just finished scrubbing for an operation.

"I informed you yesterday that I would be stopping by." Father Spears stated in a bored tone, pushing his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose and pinning the giggling man with a harsh look. "Mind telling me what you were doing behind the stacks instead of waiting for us?" Ciel relaxed a little, although still wary of the strange man who had appeared out of nowhere.

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