Changed Plan

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(Kassie's POV)

It's a couple hours before dawn when I slip out of my quarters, and silently make my way down the servants' stairs. Though it is nearly pitch black I don't dare light a candle for fear it will wake someone, so I move slowly. After several moments, and a few times of having to stop when a stair gave a slight creak, I made it to the back door leading from the kitchen to the servants' garden. With the moon lighting the path before me I hurry down a path away from the house towards the gardens.

As I get near to the garden I halt abruptly when I notice a figure carrying what appears to be a child towards a bench under a large tree. Cursing I realize it is Elphaba, and make for some bushes to hide until she passes by, but no such luck for me for she takes a seat and begins to talk to whoever is with her. Then I remember she has that Ozdamn flying rat of a Monkey that skulks around the grounds. I clench my jaw and glare trying not to make a sound when it sinks in they aren't leaving anytime soon, so as silently as I can settle in for the long haul hoping to Oz that I will be able to leave soon as I have an appointment at the local inn across town at dawn, and will take me a bit of time to get there.

Just when I am about to give up and head back to my quarters I notice that the two of them are asleep. Finally! I think as I again start to creep silently out of where I was hiding. Keeping an eye on the two I manage to move quickly past them and make a break for the hidden gate in the fence.

Once through the gate I am able to pick up my pace. I hope against hope that I am not going to be too late to the meeting area. Unfortunately though, it takes me nearly an hour to walk there, and that makes me nearly forty minutes late.

Entering the inn I go to the front desk. "Excuse me, I am supposed to meet a couple of people here. One is an older woman and the other a younger man."

"Ah yes," the clerk says and steps around from behind the desk. "They told me to expect someone else to arrive. Please follow me." He leads me down a hall, and into a private dining area. He knocks twice before opening the door. "Madam and Sir," he gives them a slight bow. "Your guest has arrived."

I step into the room and thank the clerk before he leaves, closing the door behind him. "My apologies for being so late. I was almost unable to make it here." Moving across the floor I plant a kiss on the gentleman's cheek. "I have missed you." I whisper to him.

He smiles and gives me a kiss in return. "I have missed you as well, and so have the children." He pulls out tlmy chair. "Please sit." Before I set a smile and give the older women a hug.

"You are lucky you arrived when you did, child. We were close to leaving." The older woman says, giving me a hard look. "You were to have been here nearly an hour ago."

"Again my apologies. I would have been here on time if it wasn't for that stupid witch and her flying rat." I say with disdain. "When I left the house and started towards the hidden door in the hedge wall she and that filthy animal were outside, and sitting beneath a tree I had to passby. Unfortunately, I had to wait until she either left or fell asleep. It took a while, but they did eventually fall asleep." I explained hoping she would forgive me.

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