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(Elphaba's POV)

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(Elphaba's POV)

I left Highmuster’s study feeling defeated and confused. Heading outside I went to Glinda's garden and sat down in the gazebo to think. I didn't understand why Highmuster had reacted as he had. What happened with Glinda all those years ago wasn't something I intentionally had done, I mean, I hadn't ever meant to hurt her, and we had made our peace with each other since, so why was he refusing to let me marry her?

“Excuse me Miss Elphaba?” I hear my name called and I'm pulled from my thoughts. I see Old Jake. “Are you okay? You seem a little out of sorts.

“I guess I am.” I says sighing and hang my head. Jake comes and sits beside me. “Want to talk about it?” I shrug at him. “Elphaba.” I look at him. “Maybe I can help you?”

“I am not sure how you could.”

“I may not be able to help you, but I could listen.” He says.

Closing my eyes as I think for a little bit. “I am just having trouble understanding something that happened earlier.”

“Oh and what has happened today that already has you off when the day is barely half over?”

“I went to see Master Upland about something, and what happened wasn't what I had expected.” I squeeze my eyes shut. I feel Jake move slightly. “Do you mind me asking what it was you talked to him about, I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!” He adds quickly.

“It's okay, Jake. I'll tell you, but please don't tell anyone else.”

“I won't tell another soul.” He swears and I give him a small smile. “I know you won't.” I reply and the begin to tell him what happened. “After Glinda, Lerena, and Bessie left this morning I decided to go talk to Master Upland about something I had thinking about for awhile, and so I went to see him in his study.  He told me I could come in, and I asked he was busy, and he said he had a few moments. I took a moment to make sure I was calm and then I asked him a question, and he… he told me no.”

“What was the question?” Jake asks. “I asked him if I could marry Glinda.” I tell him, and he leans back against of the gazebo wall. “I see. Now did he give a reason as to why he would not allow you to marry Glinda?”

“He said he didn't trust me to not break her heart again.”  I tell him truthfully. “The thing is I didn't intentionally break Glinda's heart.”

“Does he know that?”

“Well, no. I didn't get the chance to tell him.” I look over at him. “He told me to leave before I had a chance to.”

“What did he say you did that broke Glinda's heart?” He asked, and I knew that he knew what had gone on, but I decided to answer him anyways. “Back when Glinda and I attended Shiz we started out as enemies, and later became friends. I guess at one point we became best friends, and she eventually like me as more than a friend. I knew she did and once we had a… a thing, but it was never really serious with me.”

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